Apache Shiro v1.2.1 Release Notes

  • 🐛 Bug:

    [SHIRO-341] - ReflectionBuilder has invalid log message format
    [SHIRO-342] - Running the example as described at http://shiro.apache.org/10-minute-tutorial.html fails
    [SHIRO-344] - runAs feature doesn't work
    [SHIRO-350] - Creating a subject should not create a session
    [SHIRO-353] - DefaultSecurityManager has invalid SLF4J log instruction
    [SHIRO-354] - Authentication cache
    [SHIRO-358] - Source Tarball doesn't Build
    [SHIRO-363] - PasswordMatcher should support character arrays
    [SHIRO-368] - DomainPermission(string, string) constructor sets targets to the same value as actions
    [SHIRO-375] - Basic authentication issue when using COLON character
    [SHIRO-376] - shiro-cas feature should not depend on shiro-cas
    [SHIRO-377] - PropertiesRealm unable to reload Properties