Apache Shiro v1.2.2 Release Notes

  • 🐛 Bug:

    [SHIRO-316] - Annotations in samples-aspectj Project Does not Work
    [SHIRO-351] - Shiro Native Session implementation cannot extract JSESSIONID From URL if JSESSIONID is URL parameter (not HTTP parameter)
    [SHIRO-379] - SimpleAccountRealm concurrency access to roles and users
    [SHIRO-380] - runAs feature (still) doesn't work
    [SHIRO-387] - EnvironmentLoader destroys wrong environment
    [SHIRO-388] - Stackoverflow org.apache.shiro.session.SessionListener.onStop()
    [SHIRO-389] - Fix OSGI Exports for shiro-ehcache
    [SHIRO-390] - OSGi Import for JSP (javax.servlet.jsp) should be declared optional
    [SHIRO-394] - PropertiesRealm reloading not working when loading from file
    [SHIRO-399] - Memory leak for invalid sessions
    [SHIRO-403] - Trunk will not build under JDK 1.7 due to webstart plugin
    [SHIRO-413] - init() method is not called on class that implements org.apache.shiro.util.Initializable
    [SHIRO-415] - isLoginAttempt method in BasicHttpAuthenticationFilter class fails if used in any locale other than English
    [SHIRO-418] - Javadoc typo in JdbcRealm.SaltStyle
    [SHIRO-423] - INI ReflectionBuilder should not wrap reference values
    [SHIRO-429] - perms filter parsing is too sensitive to a trailing space
    [SHIRO-431] - please use git ignore
    [SHIRO-447] - Broken Javadoc links