Ebean ORM v12.5.2 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-11-11 // over 3 years ago
  • Issues:

    🤡 #2092 - Add support for mocking Database interface to MockiEbean
    🔨 #2093 - Refactor remove isJava7Present() ... we are Java 8+ so Java 7 types are always present - Removing effectively redundant code
    🔨 #2094 - Refactor remove isJavaTimePresent() ... we are Java 8+ so removing effectively redundant code
    #2091 - Using Postgis types with query gives PersistenceException Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Unhandled data type [6000] bind number[0]
    🔨 #2085 - Refactor promote getDataSource() and getReadOnlyDataSource() to Database from SpiServer