Finagle v17.11.0 Release Notes

  • 🆕 New Features

    * finagle-core: Add `ResponseClassifier`s, RetryOnTimeout and RetryOnChannelClosed,
      for exceptions that are commonly retried when building from ClientBuilder but had
      no MethodBuilder equivalents. ``PHAB_ID=D106706``
    * finagle-netty4: `Netty4Transporter` and `Netty4Listener` are now accessible, which
      allows external users to create their own protocols for use with Finagle on Netty 4.
    🐛 Bug Fixes
    * 🚤 finagle-exp: Fix race condition in `LatencyHistogram` which could lead to the wrong
      value returned for `quantile`. ``PHAB_ID=D106330``
    💥 Breaking API Changes
    • finagle-core: Numerous overloads of c.t.f.Server.serve have been marked final. PHAB_ID=D107280

    • finagle-thrift: Correctly send mux.Request#contexts in all cases. There were some cases in which mux.Request#contexts were not always propagated. The contexts are now always written across the transport. Note that there may be duplicated contexts between "local" context values and "broadcast" context values. Local values will precede broadcast values in sequence. PHAB_ID=D107921