Finagle v20.3.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-03-08 // about 4 years ago
  • ⚙ Runtime Behavior Changes

    * finagle-netty4: When not using the JDK implementation, the Netty reference counted SSL
      types are used which move SSL cleanup out of the GC cycle, reducing pause durations.
    * ⬆️ finagle-netty4: Upgraded to Netty 4.1.47.Finale and netty-tcnative 2.0.29.Final. ``PHAB_ID=D444065``
    🐛 Bug Fixes
    * finagle-zipkin-scribe: add a logical retry mechanism to scribe's TRY_LATER response ``PHAB_ID=D441366``
    * finagle-zipkin-scribe: scope logical stats under "logical" ``PHAB_ID=D445075``
    💥 Breaking API Changes
    * ⚡️ finagle-zipkin-scribe: update the deprecated `FutureIface` to `MethodPerEndpoint` ``PHAB_ID=D441366``
    * 🚚 finagle-core: Removed `c.t.finagle.service.ShardingService`. ``PHAB_ID=D445176``