Finagle v6.34.0 Release Notes

  • โš™ Runtime Behavior Changes

    * finagle-core: GenSerialClientDispatcher fails pending and subsequent requests when
      its underlying transport closes. ``RB_ID=807590``
    ๐Ÿ†• New Features
    * finagle-core: Include upstream/downstream addresses/client ids and request trace id
      in exceptions that extend `c.t.f.HasRemoteInfo` (including `c.t.f.SourcedException`),
      accessible via the `remoteInfo` value. ``RB_ID=797082``
    * finagle-core: Introduce `c.t.f.service.ResponseClassifier` for HTTP servers,
      which allows developers to give Finagle the additional application specific knowledge
      necessary in order to properly classify responses.``RB_ID=800179``
    * ๐Ÿ›ฐ finagle: Export two new histograms: `request_payload_bytes` and `response_payload_bytes`
      for the following protocols: HTTP (non-chunked), Mux, ThriftMux and Thrift. ``RB_ID=797821``
    * finagle-core: Define `c.t.f.Address` to represent an endpoint's physical location.
      Resolvers and namers may attach metadata such as weight to individual endpoint addresses.
    * finagle-http: Introduce convenience extractors to pattern match `c.t.f.http.Response.status`
      against the different categories. ``RB_ID=802953``
    * ๐Ÿ“œ finagle-http: Add `toBoolean` method in `StringUtil` to parse strings to boolean consistently.
    * finagle-http: Servers now actually decompress requests when decompression is turned on.
    * ๐Ÿ‘ finagle-redis: Add support for SENTINEL commands. ``RB_ID=810663``
    * ๐Ÿ‘ finagle-redis: Support for Pub/Sub. ``RB_ID=810610``
    ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking API Changes
    * finagle-core: `c.t.f.Codec.prepareConnFactory(ServiceFactory)` is marked `final`, override
      `c.t.f.Codec.prepareConnFactory(ServiceFactory, Stack.Params)` instead. ``RB_ID=797821``
    * finagle-core: `c.t.f.Codec.newClientDispatcher(Transport)` is marked `final`, override
      `c.t.f.Codec.newClientDispatcher(Transport, Stack.Params)` instead. ``RB_ID=797821``
    * ๐Ÿšš finagle-core: Removed deprecations: ``RB_ID=800974``
      - Removed `c.t.f.Service.release`, replace usage with `Service.close()`.
      - Removed `c.t.f.ServiceFactory.make`, replace usage with `ServiceFactory.apply`.
      - Removed `c.t.f.ProxyServiceFactory`, replace usage with `ServiceFactoryProxy`.
      - Removed deprecated `c.t.f.service.FailureAccrualFactory` constructor.
      - Removed `c.t.f.netty3.ChannelBufferBuf.apply`, replace usage with `ChannelBufferBuf.Owned.apply`.
      - Removed `c.t.f.util.InetAddressUtil.Loopback`, replace usage with ``.
      - Removed `c.t.f.tracing.TracingFilter`, replace usage with `TraceInitializationFilter` and `(Client|Server)TracingFilter`.
    * finagle-core: `c.t.f.Addr.Bound.addr` type changed from `Set[SocketAddress]` to
      `Set[c.t.f.Address]`. We provide a migration guide below for the most common cases.
      Callers of `c.t.f.Addr.Bound.addr` must handle `Set[c.t.f.Address]` instead of
      `Set[SocketAddresses]`. If you do something with the `SocketAddress` and expect the underlying
      type to be `InetSocketAddress`, use `c.t.f.Address.Inet.addr` to get the underlying
      `c.t.f.Addr` constructors and `c.t.f.Name.bound` method now accept `c.t.f.Address` instead
      of `SocketAddress`. For most cases, wrapping the `InetSocketAddress` in an `Address.Inet`
      will fix the compile error.
      Any other `SocketAddress` subclass is currently incompatible with `c.t.f.Address`. Instead,
      you should encode any additional information in the metadata field of `c.t.f.Address.Inet`
      or `c.t.f.exp.Address.ServiceFactory`. ``RB_ID=792209``
    * finagle-core: Delete `c.t.f.ServiceFactorySocketAddress` and replace usages with
      `c.t.f.exp.Address.ServiceFactory`. ``RB_ID=792209``
    * finagle-core: Delete `c.t.f.WeightedSocketAddress` and instead use
      `c.t.f.addr.WeightedAddress` to represent address weights. ``RB_ID=792209``
    * ๐Ÿ— finagle-core: `c.t.f.builder.ClientBuilder.hosts` takes a Seq of `InetSocketAddress` instead of
      `SocketAddress`. If you get a compile error, change the static type to `InetSocketAddress` if
      you can. Otherwise, cast it at runtime to `InetSocketAddress`. ``RB_ID=792209``
    * finagle-core: `c.t.f.client.Transporter.EndpointAddr` takes a `c.t.f.Address` as its
      parameter instead of `SocketAddress`. ``RB_ID=792209``
    * ๐Ÿšš finagle-core: `c.t.f.service.FauilureAccrualFactory.Param(FailureAccrualPolicy)` is removed -
      it's not safe to configure Failure Accrual with a shareable instance of the policy, use
      `() => FailureAccrualPolicy` instead. ``RB_ID=802953``
    * ๐Ÿšš finagle-core: `$Client.withSessionQualifier.failureAccrualPolicy` has been removed from the API
      since it enables an experimental feature (use Stack's `.configured` API instead). ``RB_ID=802953``
    * ๐Ÿšš finagle-core: `c.t.f.service.exp.FailureAccrualPolicies` (Java-friendly API) has been removed -
      use `c.t.f.service.exp.FailureAccrualPolicy` instead.
    * ๐Ÿšš finagle-core: DefaultServer is removed. Protocol implementors should use StackServer instead.
    * finagle-memcached: `c.t.f.memcached.protocol.text.Memcached` no longer takes a `StatsReceiver`,
      pass it to a `(Client/Server)Builder` instead. ``RB_ID=797821``
    * finagle-redis: `c.t.f.redis.Redis` no longer takes a `StatsReceiver`, pass it to a
      `(Client/Server)Builder` instead. ``RB_ID=797821``
    * finagle-core: `c.t.f.http.MapHeaderMap` no longer takes a `mutable.Map[String, Seq[String]]` as
      a constructor parameter. `apply` method provides a similar functionality.
    ๐Ÿ› Bug Fixes
    * ๐Ÿ›  finagle-core: Fixed `getAll` method on `c.t.f.http.MapHeaderMap`, now it is case insensitive.
      `apply` method was altering the provided header names. This is fixed it is now possible to
      iterate on the original header names.