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An application observability facade for the most popular observability tools. Think SLF4J, but for observability.
Nutrient – The #1 PDF SDK Library, trusted by 10K+ developers

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HertzBeat | [中文文档](README_CN.md)
An open-source, real-time monitoring system with custom-monitor and agentLess. | 易用友好的实时监控系统,无需Agent,强大自定义监控能力.
Home: hertzbeat.com | tancloud.cn
Running HertzBeat in osrc.com Open Source Runtime Community
🎡 Introduction
HertzBeat is an open-source, real-time monitoring system with custom-monitor and agentless. Support web service, database, os, middleware and more.
We also provide Monitoring Cloud For Saas, people no longer need to deploy a cumbersome monitoring system in order to monitor their website resources. Sign in to get started for free.
HertzBeat supports more liberal threshold alarm configuration (calculation expression), supports alarm notification, alarm template, email, dingDing, weChat, feiShu, webhook and more.
Most important is HertzBeat supports Custom Monitoring, just by configuring the YML file, we can customize the monitoring types and metrics what we need.
HertzBeat is modular,manager, collector, scheduler, warehouse, alerter
modules are decoupled for easy understanding and custom development.
Welcome to join us to build hertzbeat together.
's multi-type support, easy expansion, low coupling, hope to help developers and micro teams to quickly build their own monitoring system.
🥐 Architecture
🐕 Quick Start
- If you don’t want to deploy but use it directly, we provide SAAS Monitoring Cloud-TanCloud, Log In And Register For Free.
- If you want to deploy HertzBeat local, please refer to the following Deployment Documentation for operation.
🍞 Install HertzBeat
HertzBeat supports installation through source code, docker or package, cpu support X86/ARM64.
1:Install quickly via docker
Just one command to get started:
docker run -d -p 1157:1157 --name hertzbeat tancloud/hertzbeat
to start, default account:admin/hertzbeat
Detailed config refer to Install HertzBeat via Docker
2:Install via package
- Download the installation package GITEE Release GITHUB Release
- Need Jdk Environment,
- [optional]Configure the HertzBeat configuration yml file
- Run shell
$ ./startup.sh
- Access
to start, default account:admin/hertzbeat
Detailed config refer to Install HertzBeat via Package
3:Start via source code
- Local source code debugging needs to start the back-end project manager and the front-end project web-app.
- Backend:need
, start the manager service. - Web:need
nodejs npm angular-cli
environment, Runng serve --open
directory after backend startup. - Access
to start, default account:admin/hertzbeat
Detailed steps refer to [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md)
4:Install All(mysql+tdengine+hertzbeat) via Docker-compose
Install and deploy the mysql database, tdengine database and hertzbeat at one time through [docker-compose deployment script](script/docker-compose).
Detailed steps refer to [Install via Docker-Compose](script/docker-compose/README.md)
✨ Contributors
Thanks these wonderful people, welcome to join us:
[Contributor Guide](CONTRIBUTING.md)
<!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START - Do not remove or modify this section --> <!-- prettier-ignore-start --> <!-- markdownlint-disable --> tomsun28💻 📖 🎨 会编程的王学长💻 📖 🎨 MaxKey💻 🎨 🤔 观沧海💻 🎨 🐛 yuye💻 📖 jx10086💻 🐛 winnerTimer💻 🐛 goo-kits💻 🐛 brave4Time💻 🐛 WalkerLee💻 🐛 jianghang💻 🐛 ChineseTony💻 🐛 wyt199905💻 卫傅庆💻 🐛 zklmcookle💻 DevilX5📖 💻 tea💻 yangshihui💻 🐛 DreamGirl524💻 📖 gzwlly📖 cuipiheqiuqiu💻 ⚠️ lambert💻 mroldx📖 woshiniusange📖 VampireAchao💻 zcx💻 🐛 🎨 CharlieXCL📖 Privauto💻 📖 emrys📖 SxLiuYu🐛 All Contributors📖 铁甲小宝💻 📖
<!-- markdownlint-restore --> <!-- prettier-ignore-end -->
💬 Join discussion
HertzBeat is an incubation project of Dromara Open Source Community.
- hippo4j : 强大的动态线程池框架,附带监控报警功能
- Thanks 吉实信息(构建全新的微波+光交易网络) sponsored server node.
- Thanks 蓝易云(全新智慧上云) sponsored server node and cdn.
🛡️ License
*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the HertzBeat README section above
are relevant to that project's source code only.