
Programming language: Java
License: MIT License
Tags: CLI     Projects    
Latest version: v3.4.009

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jbock-compiler jbock

jbock is a command line parser, which uses the same annotation names as JCommander and picocli. However it does not use reflection. It is an annotation processor that generates a custom parser at compile time.

Quick start

Create an abstract class, or alternatively a Java interface, and add the @Command annotation. In your command class, each abstract method must have no arguments, and be annotated with either @Option, @Parameter or @VarargsParameter.

The multiplicity of options and parameters is determined by their return type. List and Optional are "special".

abstract class DeleteCommand {

  @Option(names = {"-v", "--verbosity"},
          description = "A named option. The return type reflects optionality.")
  abstract OptionalInt verbosity();

          index = 0,
          description = {"A required positional parameter. Return type is non-optional.",
                         "Path is a standard type, so no custom converter is needed."})
  abstract Path path();

          index = 1,
          description = "An optional positional parameter.")
  abstract Optional<Path> anotherPath();

          description = {"A varargs parameter. There can be only one of these.",
                         "The return type must be List."})
  abstract List<Path> morePaths();

  @Option(names = "--dry-run",
          description = "A nullary option, a.k.a. mode flag. Return type is boolean.")
  abstract boolean dryRun();

  @Option(names = "-h",
          description = "A repeatable option. Return type is List.")
  abstract List<String> headers(); 

  @Option(names = "--charset",
          description = "Named option with a custom converter",
          converter = CharsetConverter.class)
  abstract Optional<Charset> charset();

  // sample converter class
  static class CharsetConverter extends StringConverter<Charset> {
    protected Charset convert(String token) { return StandardCharsets.UTF_8; }

The generated DeleteCommandParser converts a string array to an instance of DeleteCommand:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    DeleteCommand command = new DeleteCommandParser().parseOrExit(args);
    // ...

In addition to parseOrExit, the generated parser has a basic parse method that you can build upon to fine-tune the help and error messages for your users.

Standard types

Some types don't need a custom converter. See JbockAutoTypes.java.

Sample projects