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Natural Language Processing libraries

Showing projects tagged as Natural Language Processing

  • CoreNLP

    9.2 9.1 L1 Java
    CoreNLP: A Java suite of core NLP tools for tokenization, sentence segmentation, NER, parsing, coreference, sentiment analysis, etc.
  • Apache OpenNLP

    6.8 8.3 L1 Java
    Apache OpenNLP
  • Mallet

    6.3 3.7 L2 Java
    MALLET is a Java-based package for statistical natural language processing, document classification, clustering, topic modeling, information extraction, and other machine learning applications to text.
  • CogCompNLP

    5.0 0.0 Java
    CogComp's Natural Language Processing Libraries and Demos: Modules include lemmatizer, ner, pos, prep-srl, quantifier, question type, relation-extraction, similarity, temporal normalizer, tokenizer, transliteration, verb-sense, and more.
  • Lingua

    4.8 6.3 Kotlin
    The most accurate natural language detection library for Java and the JVM, suitable for long and short text alike
  • DKPro Core

    3.7 6.0 Java
    Collection of software components for natural language processing (NLP) based on the Apache UIMA framework.
  • Beagle

    2.2 0.0 Clojure
    Beagle helps you identify keywords, phrases, regexes, and complex search queries of interest in streams of text documents.
  • DKPro

    Collection of reusable NLP tools for linguistic pre-processing, machine learning, lexical resources, etc.
  • LingPipe

    Toolkit for a variety of tasks ranging from POS tagging to sentiment analysis.