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Testing libraries

Showing projects tagged as Projects and Testing

  • Java Faker

    8.3 0.0 Java
    Brings the popular ruby faker gem to Java
  • EasyMock

    6.0 8.9 HTML
    EasyMock, makes mocking easier since 2001
  • Data Faker

    5.6 9.4 Java
    Generating fake data for the JVM (Java, Kotlin, Groovy) has never been easier!
  • Instancio

    4.8 9.7 Java
    A library that creates fully populated objects for your unit tests.
  • jqwik

    4.4 9.2 Java
    Property-Based Testing on the JUnit Platform
  • Fixture Monkey

    4.2 9.5 Java
    Let Fixture Monkey generate test instances including edge cases automatically
  • XMLUnit

    4.0 4.8 Java
    XMLUnit for Java 2.x
  • WebTau

    3.9 8.6 Java
    WebTau (web test automation) is a testing API, command line tool and a framework to write unit, integration and end-to-end tests. Test across REST-API, WebSocket, GraphQL, Browser, Database, CLI and Business Logic with a consistent set of matchers and concepts. REPL mode speeds-up tests development. Rich reporting cuts down investigation time.
  • LogCaptor

    3.7 6.7 Java
    🎯 LogCaptor captures log entries for unit and integration testing purposes
  • Selfie

    2.0 9.9 Kotlin
    Snapshot testing for Java, Kotlin, and the JVM
  • NetworkParser

    2.0 0.0 Java
    Framework for serialization to Json, XML, Byte and Excel, therefore an oviparous wool milk sow J
  • ConsoleCaptor

    2.0 3.6 Java
    🎯 ConsoleCaptor captures console output for unit and integration testing purposes
  • log-capture

    1.7 6.3 Java
    assertions for logging with logback
  • Deep Dive

    1.6 4.2 Java
    Fluent assertions library for Java
  • Serenity BDD

    Automated Acceptance testing and reporting library that works with Cucumber, JBehave and JUnit to make it easier to write high quality executable specifications.