Lingua v0.2.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2018-12-17 // over 5 years ago
  • 🚀 This release provides both new features and bug fixes. It is the first release that has been published to JCenter. Publication on Maven Central will follow soon.


    • ➕ added detection support for Portuguese

    🔋 Features

    • extended language models for already existing languages to provide for more accurate detection results
    • the larger language models are now lazy-loaded to reduce waiting times during start-up, especially when starting the lingua REPL
    • ➕ added some unit tests for the LanguageDetector class that cover the most basic functionality (will be extended in upcoming versions)
    • ➕ added accuracy reports and test data for each supported language, in order to measure language detection accuracy (can be generated with mvn test -P accuracy-reports)
    • ➕ added accuracy statistics summary of the current implementation to README

    API changes

    • 📇 renamed method LanguageDetector.detectLanguageFrom() to LanguageDetector.detectLanguageOf() to use the grammatically correct English preposition
    • in version 0.1.0, the now called method LanguageDetector.detectLanguageOf() returned null for strings whose language could not be detected reliably. Now, Language.UNKNOWN is returned instead in those cases to prevent NullPointerExceptions especially in Java code.

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • fixed a bug in lingua's REPL that caused non-ASCII characters to get broken in consoles which do not use UTF-8 encoding by default, especially on Windows systems