Moshi v1.5.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2017-05-15 // almost 7 years ago
  • 2017-05-14

    • Moshi now uses @Nullable to annotate all possibly-null values. We've added a compile-time dependency on the JSR 305 annotations. This is a [provided][maven_provided] dependency and does not need to be included in your build configuration, .jar file, or .apk. We use @ParametersAreNonnullByDefault and all parameters and return types are never null unless explicitly annotated @Nullable.

    • Warning: Moshi APIs in this update are source-incompatible for Kotlin callers. Nullability was previously ambiguous and lenient but now the compiler will enforce strict null checks.

    • Kotlin models are now supported via the moshi-kotlin extension. KotlinJsonAdapterFactory is the best way to use Kotlin with Moshi. It honors default values and is null-safe. Kotlin users that don't use this factory should write custom adapters for their JSON types. Otherwise Moshi cannot properly initialize delegated properties of the objects it decodes.

    • New: Upgrade to Okio 1.13.0.

    • New: You may now declare delegates in @ToJson and @FromJson methods. If one of the arguments to the method is a JsonAdapter of the same type, that will be the next eligible adapter for that type. This may be useful for composing adapters.

    • New: Types.equals(Type, Type) makes it easier to compare types in JsonAdapter.Factory.

    • Fix: Retain the sign on negative zero.