Nacos v1.2.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-03-04 // about 4 years ago
  • #2370 taskDispatchPeriod 参数初始值疑问
    #2258 HealthCheckReactor is not isolated by namespace
    #2248 Nacos server reloadable
    #2232 Distro load data failed cause start failed.
    #2184 nacos 1.1.4 删除配置ui展示列表为空
    #2171 支持同一个 namesapce 中的克隆
    🔧 #2168 page bug in configuration list
    #2145 支持自定义namespace id
    📦 #2123 Client heart beat package is too large
    #2056 整合dubbo采用nacos作为注册中心报错 [NACOS SocketTimeoutException httpPost] currentServerAddr:, err : Read timed out
    👍 #2042 mysql8.0 support error
    #2020 NPE
    #2018 http connection Keepalive is invalid,dubbo consumer has many TIME_WAIT
    #2006 Choose instance for nacos
    #2000 nacos 1.1.3版本,可能产生死循环bug
    #1993 集群模式bug,使用discovery会报错java.lang.IllegalStateException: failed to req API:/nacos/v1/ns/instance after all servers([172.XX.XX.23:80]) tried
    #1966 关于上传zip时候,type判断的bug
    #1957 调用修改实例接口,未传的参数值会被清空
    #1947 How to solve ERROR [NACOS-API] failed to added push client.
    ⚡️ #1858 namingService keep update service instance after unSubscribe all listeners
    #1627 Database field assignment error
    #1606 why i cann't define namespaceId when i add one
    #1184 Replace error message 'failed to req API:/nacos/v1/ns/instance/list after all servers' to more specific message
    #1105 Access control of resource in Nacos
    #434 [Bug]编辑配置后历史版本显示错误,回滚后配置丢失