OkHttp v2.0.0-RC2 Release Notes

  • 2014-06-11

    ⚡️ This update fixes problems in 2.0.0-RC1. Read the 2.0.0-RC1 changes for ⬆️ advice on upgrading from 1.x to 2.x.

    • Fix: Don't leak connections! There was a regression in 2.0.0-RC1 where connections were neither closed nor pooled.
    • Fix: Revert builder-style return types from OkHttpClient's timeout methods for binary compatibility with OkHttp 1.x.
    • Fix: Don't skip client stream 1 on SPDY/3.1. This fixes SPDY connectivity to https://google.com, which doesn't follow the SPDY/3.1 spec!
    • Fix: Always configure NPN headers. This fixes connectivity to https://facebook.com when SPDY and HTTP/2 are both disabled. Otherwise an unexpected NPN response is received and OkHttp crashes.
    • Fix: Write continuation frames when HPACK data is larger than 16383 bytes.
    • Fix: Don't drop uncaught exceptions thrown in async calls.
    • Fix: Throw an exception eagerly when a request body is not legal. Previously we ignored the problem at request-building time, only to crash later with a NullPointerException.
    • Fix: Include a backwards-compatible OkHttp-Response-Source header with OkUrlFactoryresponses.
    • Fix: Don't include a default User-Agent header in requests made with the Call API. Requests made with OkUrlFactory will continue to have a default user agent.
    • New: Guava-like API to create headers:

      Headers headers = Headers.of(name1, value1, name2, value2, ...).
    • New: Make the content-type header optional for request bodies.

    • New: Response.isSuccessful() is a convenient API to check response codes.

    • New: The response body can now be read outside of the callback. Response bodies must always be closed, otherwise they will leak connections!

    • New: APIs to create multipart request bodies (MultipartBuilder) and form encoding bodies (FormEncodingBuilder).