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Changelog History
v1.1.0 Changes
- ➕ Added support for Records! (Java 16)
- ➕ Added preliminary support for Informix (looking for help to set up a vbox vm)
- 🛠 Fixed UPDATE statement using columns in alphabetical order (All Persism generated SQL should be in column order)
- 🛠 Fixed support for MSAccess with UCanAccess jdbc driver in Java 16
- 🛠 Fixed issue with Queries cached with missing columns
- 🛠 Fixed @Table name case sensitivity
- ➕ Added warnings if Persism doesn't have results when querying for DatabaseMetaData
- ➕ Added new constructor for Session to supply a fake URL for situations where the Connection metadata url returns null
v1.0.3 Changes
- ➕ Added support for MSAccess with UCanAccess jdbc driver (seems to be broken under Java 16 right now #13)
- ➕ Added new method withTransaction() to Session - simplifying multiple operations in a single database transaction
- ➕ Added automatic module name for 9+ support
- ➕ Added support for Log4j 2
v1.0.2 Changes
- ➕ Added detection of autoinc type for Oracle > 11 if using the form: "COLUMN_NAME" NUMBER GENERATED BY DEFAULT ON NULL AS IDENTITY
- ➕ Added tests and warning for byte type since it's not consistently represented in different databases
- ➕ Added basic 1st pass support for TestContainers using Docker
- ✂ Removed String length check on INSERT and UPDATE statements
- 🛠 Fixed POM including unnecessary dependencies
- ⚡️ Updated Tests to Junit 4
v1.0.1 Changes
- ➕ Added support for UUID as generated key for PostgreSQL
- ➕ Added support for UUID for other supported DBs (mapping to String or byte array)
- ➕ Added support for sql.Time, LocalTime, LocalDate, LocalDateTime
- ➕ Added support for BigInteger
- ➕ Added support for MSSQL/JTDS money and smallmoney types (mapping to Float, Double or BigDecimal)
- ➕ Added support for ENUM type in the db - mapping to Java enum (PostgreSQL, MySQL, H2)
- ➕ Added warning when using a primitive type mapped to a column with a default in the database
- ➕ Added AutoClosable implementation to Session
- ⚡️ Updated test mssql jdbc driver to 8.4.1
- ⚡️ Updated test H2 jdbc driver to 1.4.200
- ✂ Removed null waring about sql type 1111 (Other) will just be considered Object
- 🛠 Fixed java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException occurring if you have LocalDateTime and DATE (not time) type in the DB
- 🛠 Fixed missing Derby keyword delimiters
- 🛠 Fixed issue where objects using Persistable interface would have all columns updated in some cases
v1.0.0 Changes
🎉 Initial release