Primitive-Collections v0.3.3 Release Notes

    • ➕ Added: Flat/Mapping function for Iterables/Iterators to help avoid streams for cleaner looking code
    • 🛠 Fixed: AVLTrees pollFirst/Last is now keeping orders and is fixed
    • 🛠 Fixed: AbstractCollection bulk adding methods now link to the specialized implementations.
    • 🛠 Fixed: A bug with getElements in ArrayList.
    • 🛠 Fixed: PriorityQueue remove/toArray function were renamed so they fit better with other interfaces. (remove => removeFirst and toArray uses a different genericType)
    • ➕ Added: LinkedList which is a List/PriorityDequeue/Stack which allows for more optimized use-cases and reduced boxing/unboxing.
    • ➕ Added: Tests for LinkedList