Redisson v3.16.7 Release Notes

  • 👌 Improvement - MessageListener should be annotated by @FunctionalInterface

    🛠 Fixed - RScript.scriptLoad() doesn't load script into Slave nodes
    🛠 Fixed - Spring Data RedissonConnection eval should use ByteArrayCodec (thanks @woodyDM)
    🛠 Fixed - RSet.distributedIterator() and RScoredSortedSet.distributedIterator() methods throw script error
    🛠 Fixed - synced slaves amount is not checked in RLock object
    🛠 Fixed - race condition during hostname resolution in sentinel mode which may cause slave shutdown
    🛠 Fixed - error should be thrown if slaves aren't defined in MasterSlave mode and readMode != MASTER
    🛠 Fixed - master node shouldn't be initialized as slave in single mode
    🛠 Fixed - can't find node error arise in replicated mode