Wire v4.0.0-alpha.5 Release Notes

  • 2021-06-24

    Kotlin + Java

    • New: Generate Kotlin code whose members match the declaration order of the corresponding .proto files. In previous releases, generated members were sorted by kind (fields, oneofs), then by declaration order. With this update only declaration order is used. Note that this will change the encoded-bytes of these messages. This change is both forwards and backwards-compatible. Identical encoding of equal messages across Wire releases is typical but not guaranteed, and this is a rare release that changes that encoding. If you do cryptographic hashes on encoded proto messages, you will notice that the hashes are different in this release.
    • Fix: Redact boxed OneOf fields.
    • Fix: Don't crash encoding schemas when an option contains a repeated field, an enum, or a double.
    • Fix: Be more aggressive about loading transitive files with SchemaLoader.loadExhaustively.
    • Fix: Don't break task caching by using absolute paths in the Gradle plugin. Wire now uses project-relative paths in any attribute that is used as a cache key.