Apache Shiro v1.4.1 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-04-18 // about 5 years ago
  • 🐛 Bug

    [SHIRO-457] - Login without static VM security manager cause exception in debug
    [SHIRO-563] - shiro-aspectj karaf feature can't be installed
    [SHIRO-624] - OSGI: commons configuration import should be optional
    [SHIRO-626] - Bundle symbolic name conflict
    [SHIRO-637] - Refresh cached session in HTTP request after user logs out
    [SHIRO-650] - Shiro JAX-RS is not an OSGi bundle
    [SHIRO-653] - Spring-boot registers shiro filter only on REQUEST dispatcher
    [SHIRO-655] - shiro-core has an undesirable runtime OSGi dependency to spring-beans
    [SHIRO-658] - Problems building shiro on openjdk-8 on current debian stable (9.6 "stretch")
    [SHIRO-660] - Bug in FirstSuccessfulStrategy
    [SHIRO-680] - Duplicate Bundle-SymbolicName for Different Shiro Modules

    🆕 New Feature

    [SHIRO-638] - Update osgi bundle manifest to support Spring 4.x

    👌 Improvement

    [SHIRO-560] - Shiro-web feature can't be installed in karaf 4.0.4
    [SHIRO-652] - Upgrade Shiro Feature to Karaf 4.x
    [SHIRO-664] - Upgrade to Apache pom parent 21
    [SHIRO-665] - Upgrade to maven-bundle-plugin 4.1.0
    [SHIRO-667] - Upgrade to Spring 4.3.22-RELEASE
    [SHIRO-672] - Upgrade to jacoco-maven-plugin 0.8.3
    [SHIRO-673] - Upgrade to maven-compiler-plugin 3.8.0
    [SHIRO-674] - Upgrade to maven-dependency-plugin to 3.1.1
    [SHIRO-675] - Upgrade to maven-surefire-plugins 3.0.0-M3
    [SHIRO-676] - Upgrade to maven-jar-plugin 3.1.0
    [SHIRO-677] - Upgrade to versions-maven-plugin 2.7
    [SHIRO-683] - Upgrade to spring-boot 1.5.19.RELEASE


    [SHIRO-662] - Constant Name Change in AuthenticationRealm
    [SHIRO-663] - Clean up pom parent relative path

    ⬆️ Dependency upgrade

    [SHIRO-659] - Upgrade to OWASP dependency-check-maven plugin 4.0.0