cache2k v1.1.3.Alpha Release Notes

Release Date: 2018-08-02 // over 5 years ago
  • This version is a development preview and not recommended for production use. Please give feedback to help stabilize and improve the next version.

    🆕 New and Noteworthy

    • 📇 rename cache2k-impl to cache2k-core. That should be more intuitive for containing the actual "core" cache implementation in case there are more cache2k-xy jars in the classpath.
    • 🔧 XSD schema for the XML configuration

    Possible breakages

    • Renaming of method on MutableCacheEntry: setExpiry to setExpiryTime
    • 👀 JMX support is not enabled by default any more. It can be enabled per cache or globally, see the Statistics - cache2k Use Guide
    • 👌 improve generic type parameters in methods related to cache type configuration, affected methods:
      Cache2kConfiguration.setKeyType, Cache2kConfiguration.setValueType, CacheType
    • 📚 CacheEntry.getLastModifiedTime is not supported any more. Permanently throws exception, see: CacheEntry.getLastModifications - cache2k API documentation
    • 🗄 Cache2kBuilder.disableLastModificationTime: deprecated, has no effect any more.
      Logic is reversed. The feature needs to be switched on when needed via recordRefreshTime.
    • 🔧 ConfigurationSectionContainer: Implements collection interface, method add returns booleans.

    🛠 Fixes and Improvements

    • 🔧 JCache speedup: Do not support online listener attachment by default if in cache2k configuration mode.
      👀 See JCache Optimizations and Semantics - cache2k Use Guide
    • 🚚 Cache.removeIfEquals statistics: count miss and hit consistently
    • 👻 Exception propagation of CacheEntry.getValue covered by exception propagator again
    • 🔧 JCache configuration: switch to cache2k semantics whenever a cache2k configuration file is present
      0️⃣ (before either a default or cache section needed to be present)
    • 🖨 JCache, toString(): print useful toString() output for a JCache cache, delegates to the underlying cache2k cache
    • ⚡️ Cache2kBuilder.recordRefreshTime: Record time of last update or modification of an entry and make it
      available via `MutableCacheEntry.getRefreshTime
    • consolidate the output of the cache coordinates in the toString outputs
    • 👍 Cache2kConfiguration: add setters for collections (listeners and sections) to better integrate with other
      🔧 generic configuration code like Springs' bean XML configuration.

    Using this cache2k version

    The binaries are available on maven central.

    For Java SE/EE and Android environments

    For Maven users:


    Recommended for Gradle users:

    def cache2kVersion = '1.1.3.Alpha'
    dependencies {
        implementation "org.cache2k:cache2k-api:${cache2kVersion}"
        runtimeOnly "org.cache2k:cache2k-core:${cache2kVersion}"

    Note to Android users: The included jar files contain code that might only be needed in server environments (e.g. JMX support).
    ✅ It is possible to strip unnecessary code. Example ProGuard rules can be found at Andriod - cache2k User Guide

    Using the JCache / JSR107 provider

    Maven users include the cache2k JCache provider this way:


    For Gradle users:

    dependencies {
        runtimeOnly "org.cache2k:cache2k-jcache:1.1.3.Alpha"

    🔧 Implementation details, tuning tips and hints on configuration can be found at: JCache - cache2k User Guide