CrunchyCalendar v1.1.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2018-08-31 // over 5 years ago
    1. Add the ability to set the firstDayOfWeek in the setupCalendar() method.
    2. Add the ability to set a onDateLongClickListener for the Calendar dates.
    3. Add the ability to set a dateSelectionFilter that indicates whether a date available for selection or not.
    4. Add an optional year selection control that allows to quickly navigate between years. 💅 5. Add a calendarViewStyle attribute as a default value for defStyleAttr in the CalendarView constructor. So now it is possible to define common style for all Calendars in the application Theme file.
    5. Change visibility level to internal of some library classes and interfaces. 🔨 7. Some internal cleanup and refactoring.