Finagle v6.30.0 Release Notes

  • ๐Ÿ†• New Features

    * ๐Ÿšค finagle-core: `com.twitter.finagle.client.LatencyCompensator` allows its
      default Compensator value to be set via an API call. This allows
      libraries to set defaults for clients that have not configured this module.
    * ๐Ÿ›  finagle-core: New Resolver `com.twitter.finagle.FixedInetResolver` extends
      InetResolver by caching successful DNS lookups indefinitely. It's scheme is 'fixedinet'.
      This is used by clients or resolvers that do not want or expect
      host->ip map changes (such as the zk2 resolver and twemcache client).
    โš™ Runtime Behavior Changes
    • finagle-core: RetryPolicy.tries now uses jittered backoffs instead of having no delay. RB_ID=752629

    • finagle-core: FailureAccrualFactory uses jittered backoffs as the duration to mark dead for, if markDeadFor is not configured. RB_ID=746930

    • ๐Ÿšค finagle-core: The transit latency (transit_latency_ms) and deadline budget (deadline_budget_ms) stats are now only recorded for servers, not for clients anymore, since they're only meaningful for servers. RB_ID=75268

    • ๐Ÿ›ฐ finagle-http: Clients sending requests with payloads larger than the server accepts (default 5MB) now receive a HTTP 413 response instead of a channel closed exception. RB_ID=753664

    ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking API Changes

    * finagle-core: `TimerFromNettyTimer` is renamed to `HashedWheelTimer` and
      the constructor accepting `org.jboss.netty.util.Timer` made private. For
      compatibility, `HashedWheelTimer` has additional constructors to match
      those provided by `org.jboss.netty.util.HashedWheelTimer`. ``RB_ID=748514``
    * finagle-httpx / finagle-httpx-compat: Renamed to finagle-http and
      finagle-http-compat respectively. This changes the package names, e.g.:
      com.twitter.finagle.httpx to com.twitter.finagle.http. ``RB_ID=751876``
    * finagle-core: Marked `HandletimeFilter` private[finagle], and renamed it to
      `ServerStatsFilter`. ``RB_ID=75268``
    * finagle-zipkin: Drop `c.t.zipkin.thrift.Annotation.duration` and associated thrift field
      `c.t.f.thrift.thrift.Annotation.duration`. ``RB_ID=751986``
    * ๐Ÿšš finagle-stress: Project has been removed from Finagle. ``RB_ID=752201``
    * ๐Ÿšš finagle-swift: Project has been moved off of Finagle to . ``RB_ID=752826``