GreenMail v1.5.12 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-04-05 // about 4 years ago

    👌 Improvements:
    #301 Support for POP3 SASL Plain
    #300 Support for SMTP AUTH LOGIN
    ⚡️ #305 Switch and update docker base image for greenmail standalone
    ⚡️ #304 Update jersey 2.28 -> 2.30.1 (#296)
    ⚡️ #303 Update slf4j 1.7.29 -> 1.7.30
    ⚡️ #302 Update junit 4.12 -> 4.13

    🛠 Bugfixes:
    #257 UTF-8 umlauts are replaced by question marks
    #299 Retriever.close can throw NPE on close
    #291 SMTP MailCommand param pattern too greedy for

    Note: GreenMail requires JDK 8+ now.

    ✅ For further details, check the issues fixed.

    Download also available in Maven Central with GAV coordinates com.icegreen:greenmail:1.5.12 .