Hermes v0.15.1 Release Notes

  • ✨ Enhancements

    ⚡️ (956) Updated elasticsearch to 6.1.4 version in hermes-tracker

    (955) Changed format for subscription healthcheck endpoint

    From now on we can list unhealthy subscriptions via following endpoint on hermes-management:

    POST `/unhealthy

    We can also provide parameters:

    POST /unhealthy?ownerSourceName={ownerSourceName}&ownerId={service_id}&respectMonitoringSeverity=true

    Thanks the first two parameters you can narrow down search results to unhealthy subscriptions owned by provided {ownerId} from {ownerSourceName}.

    The last flag decides whether monitoring severity flag on subscription should be respected. If true then only 🚑 unhealthy subscriptions with severity monitor set to Important or Critical will be returned by unhealthy endpoint.