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Imagery libraries

Showing projects tagged as Imagery

  • ZXing

    9.9 8.6 L3 Java
    ZXing ("Zebra Crossing") barcode scanning library for Java, Android
  • Picasso

    9.7 8.2 L2 Kotlin
    A powerful image downloading and caching library for Android
  • Thumbnailator

    8.4 5.2 L3 Java
    Thumbnailator - a thumbnail generation library for Java
  • TwelveMonkeys

    6.9 9.1 L1 Java
    TwelveMonkeys ImageIO: Additional plug-ins and extensions for Java's ImageIO
  • Tess4J

    6.8 7.5 L4 Java
    Java JNA wrapper for Tesseract OCR API
  • Imgscalr

    6.3 6.4 L3 Java
    Simple Java image-scaling library implementing Chris Campbell's incremental scaling algorithm as well as Java2D's "best-practices" image-scaling techniques.
  • image-comparison

    4.2 0.0 Java
    Published on Maven Central Java Library that compares 2 images with the same sizes and shows the differences visually by drawing rectangles. Some parts of the image can be excluded from the comparison. Can be used for automation QA tests.