All Versions
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Avg Release Cycle
57 days
Latest Release
1582 days ago

Changelog History
Page 2

  • v1.2.1 Changes

    November 16, 2018

    Tink is a multi-language, cross-platform library that provides simple and misuse-proof APIs for common cryptographic tasks.

    This is Tink 1.2.1.

    πŸ”„ Changes

    πŸš€ This release fixes a bunch of (non-security) bugs. There is no change in the public APIs.

    The complete list of changes since 1.2.0 can be found here.


    C++ with prebuilt binaries

    OS="$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"TARGET\_DIR="/usr/local"curl -L \ "${OS}-x86\_64-1.2.1.tar.gz" |sudo tar -xz -C ${TARGET\_DIR}

    Obj-C with Cocoapods

    cd /path/to/your/Xcode project/ pod init pod 'Tink', '1.2.1'pod install

    Java with Maven

    \<dependency\> \<groupId\>\</groupId\> \<artifactId\>tink\</artifactId\> \<version\>1.2.1\</version\> \</dependency\>

    Android with Gradle

    dependencies {
      compile ''

    What's next

    πŸ‘€ See the project road map for future plans.

  • v1.2.0 Changes

    August 10, 2018

    Tink is a multi-language, cross-platform library that provides simple and misuse-proof APIs for common cryptographic tasks.

    This is Tink 1.2.0.

    πŸ”„ Changes

    πŸš€ The complete list of changes since Release Candidate 4 can be found here.

    πŸš€ Please ignore RSA-related changes; RSA is not part of 1.2.0 release.

    πŸ†• New languages: C++ and Obj-C

    πŸ‘ Tink 1.2.0 adds support for C++ and Obj-C. Both have been running in production at Google for a few months, and support the following algorithms:

    • MAC: HMAC-SHA2
    • Digital Signature: ECDSA over NIST curves
    • Hybrid Encryption: ECIES over NIST curves with AEAD (AES-GCM and AES-CTR-HMAC-AEAD) and HKDF

    πŸ‘Œ Support for AWS KMS will be added to the Tink C++ library in future release candidates. Support for Google Cloud KMS has to wait post 1.2.0 because of lack of Cloud KMS client library.

    πŸ‘ The Tink Obj-C library supports reading/writing key material to/from iOS Keychain.

    πŸ‘€ Please see the C++ HOWTO and the Obj-C HOWTO for usage.


    C++ with prebuilt binaries

    OS="linux"# Change to "darwin" for macOSTARGET\_DIR="/usr/local"curl -L \ "${OS}-x86\_64-1.2.0.tar.gz" |sudo tar -xz -C ${TARGET\_DIR}

    Obj-C with Cocoapods

    cd /path/to/your/Xcode project/ pod init pod 'Tink', '1.2.0'pod install

    Java with Maven

    \<dependency\> \<groupId\>\</groupId\> \<artifactId\>tink\</artifactId\> \<version\>1.2.0\</version\> \</dependency\>

    Android with Gradle

    dependencies {
      compile ''

    What's next

    πŸ‘€ See the project road map for future plans.

  • v1.2.0-rc4 Changes

    August 01, 2018

    Tink is a multi-language, cross-platform library that provides simple and misuse-proof APIs for common cryptographic tasks.

    πŸš€ This is Tink 1.2.0 Release Candidate 4.

    πŸ”„ Changes

    πŸš€ The complete list of changes since Release Candidate 3 can be found here.

    πŸš€ Please ignore RSA-related changes; RSA is not part of 1.2.0 release.

    πŸ†• New languages: C++ and Obj-C

    πŸ‘ Tink 1.2.0 adds support for C++ and Obj-C. Both have been running in production at Google for a few months, and support the following algorithms:

    • MAC: HMAC-SHA2
    • Digital Signature: ECDSA over NIST curves
    • Hybrid Encryption: ECIES over NIST curves with AEAD (AES-GCM and AES-CTR-HMAC-AEAD) and HKDF

    πŸ‘Œ Support for AWS KMS will be added to the Tink C++ library in future release candidates. Support for Google Cloud KMS has to wait post 1.2.0 because of lack of Cloud KMS client library.

    πŸ‘ The Tink Obj-C library supports reading/writing key material to/from iOS Keychain.

    πŸ‘€ Please see the C++ HOWTO and the Obj-C HOWTO for usage.


    C++ with prebuilt binaries

    OS="linux"# Change to "darwin" for macOSTARGET\_DIR="/usr/local"curl -L \ "${OS}-x86\_64-1.2.0-rc4.tar.gz" |sudo tar -xz -C ${TARGET\_DIR}

    Obj-C with Cocoapods

    cd /path/to/your/Xcode project/ pod init pod 'Tink', '1.2.0-rc4'pod install

    Java with Maven

    \<dependency\> \<groupId\>\</groupId\> \<artifactId\>tink\</artifactId\> \<version\>1.2.0-rc4\</version\> \</dependency\>

    Android with Gradle

    dependencies {
      compile ''

    What's next

    πŸš€ This is intended to be the last release candidate before the final 1.2.0 release.

  • v1.2.0-rc3 Changes

    July 27, 2018

    Tink is a multi-language, cross-platform library that provides simple and misuse-proof APIs for common cryptographic tasks.

    πŸš€ This is Tink 1.2.0 Release Candidate 3.

    πŸ”„ Changes

    πŸš€ The complete list of changes since Release Candidate 2 can be found here. Please ignore RSA-related changes; RSA is not part of 1.2.0 release.

    This candidate adds C++/Obj-C APIs to generate keys and to get public keys from private keys. We thank Sreejith Krishnan R for reporting these bugs.

    πŸ†• New languages: C++ and Obj-C

    πŸ‘ Tink 1.2.0 adds support for C++ and Obj-C. Both have been running in production at Google for a few months, and support the following algorithms:

    • MAC: HMAC-SHA2
    • Digital Signature: ECDSA over NIST curves
    • Hybrid Encryption: ECIES over NIST curves with AEAD (AES-GCM and AES-CTR-HMAC-AEAD) and HKDF

    πŸ‘Œ Support for AWS KMS will be added to the Tink C++ library in future release candidates. Support for Google Cloud KMS has to wait post 1.2.0 because of lack of Cloud KMS client library.

    πŸ‘ The Tink Obj-C library supports reading/writing key material to/from iOS Keychain.

    πŸ‘€ Please see the C++ HOWTO and the Obj-C HOWTO for usage.


    C++ with prebuilt binaries

    OS="linux"# Change to "darwin" for macOSTARGET\_DIR="/usr/local"curl -L \ "${OS}-x86\_64-1.2.0-rc3.tar.gz" |sudo tar -xz -C ${TARGET\_DIR}

    Obj-C with Cocoapods

    cd /path/to/your/Xcode project/ pod init pod 'Tink', '1.2.0-rc3'pod install

    Java with Maven

    \<dependency\> \<groupId\>\</groupId\> \<artifactId\>tink\</artifactId\> \<version\>1.2.0-rc3\</version\> \</dependency\>

    Android with Gradle

    dependencies {
      compile ''

    What's next

    πŸš€ There may be a few more release candidates before we get to the final 1.2.0 release. It should be out by the end of July 2018.

  • v1.2.0-rc2 Changes

    July 13, 2018

    Tink is a multi-language, cross-platform library that provides simple and misuse-proof APIs for common cryptographic tasks.

    πŸš€ This is Tink 1.2.0 Release Candidate 2.

    πŸš€ Note: Release Candidate 1 was private and used to test the Obj-C publishing process.

    πŸ†• New languages: C++ and Obj-C

    πŸ‘ Tink 1.2.0 adds support for C++ and Obj-C. Both have been running in production at Google for a few months, and support the following algorithms:

    • MAC: HMAC-SHA2
    • Digital Signature: ECDSA over NIST curves
    • Hybrid Encryption: ECIES over NIST curves with AEAD (AES-GCM and AES-CTR-HMAC-AEAD) and HKDF

    πŸ‘Œ Support for AWS KMS will be added to the Tink C++ library in future release candidates. Support for Google Cloud KMS has to wait post 1.2.0 because of lack of Cloud KMS client library. The Tink Obj-C library supports reading/writing key material to/from iOS Keychain.

    πŸ‘€ Please see the C++ HOWTO and the Obj-C HOWTO for usage.


    C++ with prebuilt binaries

    OS="linux" # Change to "darwin" for macOSTARGET\_DIR="/usr/local"curl -L \"${OS}-x86\_64-1.2.0-rc2.tar.gz" |sudo tar -xz -C $TARGET\_DIR

    Obj-C with Cocoapods

    cd /path/to/your/Xcode project/ pod init pod 'Tink', '1.2.0-rc2'pod install

    Java with Maven

    \<dependency\> \<groupId\>\</groupId\> \<artifactId\>tink\</artifactId\> \<version\>1.2.0-rc2\</version\> \</dependency\>

    Android with Gradle

    dependencies {
      compile ''

    What's next

    πŸš€ There may be a few more release candidates before we get to the final 1.2.0 release. It should be out by the end of July 2018.

  • v1.1.1 Changes

    May 26, 2018

    Tink is a multi-language, cross-platform library that provides an easy, simple, secure, and agile API for common cryptographic tasks.

    πŸ“š This is a minor release which includes a fix for a build error (#94) and documentation cleanup.


    Java developers can install Tink using Maven:


    Android developers can install Tink using Gradle:

    dependencies {
      compile ''

    πŸ‘€ For usage, please see the Java HOWTO. A list of known issues is provided here.


  • v1.1.0 Changes

    April 19, 2018

    Tink is a multi-language, cross-platform library that provides an easy, simple, secure, and agile API for common cryptographic tasks.

    πŸš€ This is the second release. Like the first release, Java is still the only officially supported language. Tink for C++, Objective-C and Go are working (C++ has been running in production at Google for a while), and we’re working hard to bring these languages in 1.2.0. See our feature roadmap for more details.


    Java developers can install Tink using Maven:


    Android developers can install Tink using Gradle:

    dependencies {
      compile ''

    πŸ‘€ For usage, please see the Java HOWTO. A list of known issues is provided here.

    πŸ†• New primitives and algorithms


    Digital Signature: ED25519

    Deterministic AEAD: AES-SIV


    πŸ†• New apps

    Aside from the core APIs, Tink provides apps that implement common standards or protocols. The apps depend on Tink, but are built separately.

    Google Pay Token

    πŸ‘ This app is an implementation of Google Pay Token Cryptography Standard. Version 1.1.0 adds supports for the ECv2 protocol.


    🌐 Web Push Message Encryption

    🌐 This app is an implementation of RFC 8291 - Message Encryption for Web Push.

