Vibur DBCP v6.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2015-12-19 // over 8 years ago
    • Introduced ConnectionHooks for: a) initConnection - will be invoked only once when the raw JDBC Connection is first created. This is the place to execute an application specific one-off Connection setup logic, such as setting the default Connection network timeout or similar. b) getConnection - will be invoked on the raw JDBC Connection as part of the DataSource.getConnection() flow. This is the place to execute an application specific per taken Connection setup logic, such as setting the default database schema or role, if they vary for each getConnection() call. c) closeConnection - will be invoked on the raw JDBC Connection as part of the Connection.close() flow. This is the place to execute an application specific per taken Connection winding down logic, if needed.
    • Introduced ViburLogger - allows the application to receive notifications for all long lasting getConnection() calls, slow SQL queries, or retrieved large ResultSets. This feature can be used by the application to accumulate statistics of the count and execution time of the SQL queries, or similar.
    • Introduced ExceptionCollector - allows the application to receive notifications for all exceptions thrown by the operations invoked on a JDBC Connection object or any of its derivative objects (e.g., Statement, ResultSet, MetaData).
    • 🛠 Fixed issue #5 - configureFromProperties throws an Exception when configured as a JNDI resource.
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug where equals/hashcode cannot be called on closed JDBC objects.