Lagom v1.6.0-M3 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-07-02 // almost 5 years ago
  • 🚀 The Play Team is pleased to announce the release of Lagom 1.6.0-M3. This is the second milestone release of Lagom 1.6.x series. Like all milestone releases, the primary goal is to get feedback, so please let us know if something isn't working or you see something that should be improved. If you are the author of a Lagom module, we would recommend checking out this release to see how it will affect your module.

    🚀 There are many improvements and changes at this new release, and you can see them all in Github milestone.

    🔄 Changelog

    Some of the most relevant changes are:

    🚀 1. Akka 2.6.0-M3: as you can see in our roadmap, support Akka 2.6 is a priority, so we are closely tracking Akka 2.6 milestone releases to discover possible integrations problems sooner than later. 🚀 2. Play 2.8.0-M2: we did a milestone release for Play a few days ago, and this Lagom milestone is already using that too.

    1. Scala 2.13 is a high priority for Lagom 1.6 but there still are a few details to iron. Meanwhile we've made some code improvements in preparing to cross compile for Scala 2.12 and 2.13. 🛰 4. Multiple changes in default behaviors: persistence sharding uses ddata strategy instead of persistence, JSON compression only triggers for payloads bigger than 32kb, java.time.* serializes using ISO-8601instead of custom Jackson formats (only affects Java Lagom users), etc... ⚡️ 5. Dependencies updates: thanks to scala-steward, all dependencies were updated to the newest versions.

    👀 See the full list of changes here:

    1. Github milestone
    2. All changes


    Finally, thanks to the community for their help with detailed bug reports, discussion about new features, and pull requests review.

    👍 Thanks to Lightbend for their continued sponsorship of the Play core team's efforts. Lightbend offers commercial support for Lagom.

    Special thanks to the following contributors who helped with this release: Marcos Pereira, Ignasi Marimon-Clos, Renato Cavalcanti, Patrik Nordwall, Dale Wijnand, Scala Steward, norfe, Tim Moore, Play Team.