Apache Mesos v1.8.2 Release Notes

    • 🚀 This is a bug fix release.

    ** 🐛 Bug

    • [MESOS-9609] - Master check failure when marking agent unreachable.
    • [MESOS-9785] - Frameworks recovered from reregistered agents are not reported to master /api/v1 subscribers.
    • [MESOS-9836] - Docker containerizer overwrites /mesos/slave cgroups.
    • [MESOS-9868] - NetworkInfo from the agent /state endpoint is not correct.
    • [MESOS-9887] - Race condition between two terminal task status updates for Docker/Command executor.
    • [MESOS-9893] - volume/secret isolator should cleanup the stored secret from runtime directory when the container is destroyed.
    • [MESOS-9925] - Default executor takes a couple of seconds to start and subscribe Mesos agent.
    • [MESOS-9964] - Support destroying UCR containers in provisioning state.
    • [MESOS-9966] - Agent crashes when trying to destroy orphaned nested container if root container is orphaned as well.
    • [MESOS-9968] - WWWAuthenticate header parsing fails when commas are in (quoted) realm
    • [MESOS-10007] - Command executor can miss exit status for short-lived commands due to double-reaping.
    • [MESOS-10015] - updateAllocation() can stall the allocator with a huge number of reservations on an agent.
    • [MESOS-10126] - Docker volume isolator needs to clean up the info struct regardless the result of unmount operation
    • [MESOS-10134] - Race between concurrent javah runs trying to create java/jni output directory.
    • [MESOS-10169] - Reintroduce image fetch deduplication while keeping it possible to destroy UCR containers in PROVISIONING state.

    ** 👌 Improvement

    • [MESOS-9889] - Master CPU high due to unexpected foreachkey behaviour in Master::__reregisterSlave.
    • [MESOS-9948] - master::Slave::hasExecutor occupies 37% of a 150 second perf sample.
    • [MESOS-10017] - Log all reverse DNS lookup failures in 'legacy' TLS (SSL) hostname validation scheme.