Cobertura v1.8 Release Notes

Release Date: 2006-04-10 // about 18 years ago
  • * Ability to have multiple <ignore/> regular expressions
      in the instrument task (Alexei Yudichev).
    * Ability to specify a minimum branch coverage rate and
      line coverage rate for each package when using
    * Show the number of lines and branches covered and the
      total number of lines and branches in the HTML report.
    * Support for instrumenting classes written in Groovy.
    * Lock the data file before trying to write to it.  This
      allows multiple JVMs (or multiple class loaders within
      a single JVM) to write to the same coverage data file
      with no problems (John Lewis).
    * Ability to instrument classes on a given classpath
      instead of specifying filesets (John Lewis).
    * Ability to specify which classes will be instrumented
      using regular expressions (John Lewis).
    * Archives within archives will be instrumented if you
      specify an includeClassname regular expression (John
    * If instrumenting an archive, remove any signatures
      and checksums, since they will no longer be valid (John
    * Removed the Class-Path line from cobertura.jar.  You may
      need to modify your Cobertura taskdef to include the jars
      in Cobertura's 'lib' directory.  See our Ant task web
      page for an example.
    * Reorganized libs into a flatter directory structure--you
      may need to update your ant scripts.
    * Upgraded from asm 2.1 to asm 2.2.1.  No code changes were
    * Copied portions of classes from JavaNCSS into Cobertura
      so that we don't need to include the entire JavaNCSS and
      CCL jars.