Redisson v3.15.5 Release Notes

  • 🔋 Feature - discard() method added to RBatch object
    🔋 Feature - broadcastSessionUpdates setting added to Tomcat Session Manager

    🛠 Fixed - no error if jcache has wrong configuration in yaml format
    🛠 Fixed - frequent Redis master failover causes memory leak in IdleConnectionWatcher
    🛠 Fixed - RedisStreamCommands.xGroupDelConsumer() method in Spring Data module uses incorrect Redis command
    🛠 Fixed - RLock can't be acquired anymore if pubsub connection limit was reached (thanks to @zhwq1216)
    🛠 Fixed - PubSub Lock entries memory-leak during Lock acquisition (thanks to @zhwq1216)
    🛠 Fixed - dns monitor shouldn't use IP addresses as hostnames
    🛠 Fixed - failover handling stops to work if Redis Cluster node returned empty topology
    🛠 Fixed - mGet() and mSet() methods of Spring Data RedissonConnection object throw CROSSSLOT error
    🛠 Fixed - touch(), mDel(), mUnlink(), expire(), pExpire(), expireAt(), pExpireAt(), persist() methods of Spring Data ReactiveKeyCommands interface should be executed as write operation
    🛠 Fixed - RMap.computeIfPresent() doesn't update mutable objects
    🛠 Fixed - MapReduce timeout isn't applied if ExecutorService node is down
    🛠 Fixed - Redisson tries reconnect to Redis nodes which marked as shutdown by topology manager