Spatial4j is a general purpose spatial / geospatial ASL licensed open-source Java library. It's core capabilities are 3-fold: to provide common shapes that can work in Euclidean and geodesic (surface of sphere) world models, to provide distance calculations and other math, and to read & write shapes from formats like WKT and GeoJSON. Spatial4j is a project of the LocationTech Industry Working Group of the Eclipse Foundation.
If you are working with spatial grid-square indexing schemes, be it Geohash or something custom, then you are likely to find especially high utility from Spatial4j -- doubly-so for Apache Software Foundation projects due to restrictions on use of LGPL software there (Spatial4j is ASL but JTS is still LGPL).
Spatial4j is well tested; it's monitored via Travis-CI continuous integration (plus another Hudson build) and we use Codecov for code coverage.
If you are interested in contributing to Spatial4j please review the contribution guidelines.
Spatial4j alternatives and similar libraries
Based on the "Geospatial" category.
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Open source routing engine for OpenStreetMap. Use it as Java library or standalone web server. -
JTS Topology Suite
The JTS Topology Suite is a Java library for creating and manipulating vector geometry. -
Apache SIS
Java language library for developing geospatial applications following OGC/ISO standards. - (abridged Geotk) is a free software, Java language library for developing geospatial applications. The library can be used for desktop or server applications. Geotk is built on top of Apache SIS and is used as a laboratory for the later.
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(note: Spatial4j's official home page is at LocationTech: but this README has richer information)
Spatial4j is a general purpose spatial / geospatial ASL licensed open-source Java library. It's core capabilities are 3-fold: to provide common shapes that can work in Euclidean and geodesic (surface of sphere) world models, to provide distance calculations and other math, and to read & write shapes from formats like WKT and GeoJSON. Spatial4j is a project of the LocationTech Industry Working Group of the Eclipse Foundation.
If you are working with spatial grid-square indexing schemes, be it Geohash or something custom, then you are likely to find especially high utility from Spatial4j.
Spatial4j is well tested; it's monitored via Travis-CI continuous integration (plus another Hudson build) and we use Codecov for code coverage.
If you are interested in contributing to Spatial4j please review the [contribution guidelines](
Shapes and Other Features
The main part of Spatial4j is its collection of shapes. Shapes in Spatial4j have these features:
- Compute its lat-lon bounding box.
- Compute an area. For some shapes its more of an estimate.
- Compute if it contains a provided point.
- Compute the relationship to a lat-lon rectangle. Relationships are: CONTAINS, WITHIN, DISJOINT, INTERSECTS. Note that Spatial4j doesn't have a notion of "touching".
Spatial4j has a variety of shapes that operate in Euclidean-space -- i.e. a flat 2D plane. Most shapes are augmented to support a wrap-around at X
-180/+180 for compatibility with latitude & longitudes, which is effectively a cylindrical model. But the real bonus is its circle (i.e. point-radius shape that can operate on a surface-of-a-sphere model. See below for further info. The term "geodetic" or "geodesic" or "geo" is used here as synonymous with that model but technically those words have a more broad meaning.
Shape | Euclidean | Cylindrical | Spherical |
Point | Y | Y | Y |
Rectangle | Y | Y | Y |
Circle | Y | N | Y |
LineString | Y | N | N |
Buffered L/S | Y | N | N |
Polygon | Y | Y | N |
ShapeCollection | Y | Y | Y |
- The Rectangle shape exists in the spherical model as a lat-lon rectangle, which basically means it's math is no different than cylindrical.
- Polygons don't support pole-wrap (sorry, no Antarctica polygon); just dateline-cross. Polygons are supported by wrapping JTS's
, which is to say that most of the fundamental logic for that shape is implemented by JTS.
Other Features
- Read and write Shapes as WKT. Include the ENVELOPE extension from CQL, plus a Spatial4j custom BUFFER operation. Buffering a point gets you a Circle.
- Read and write Shapes as GeoJSON.
- Read and write Shapes as [Polyshape](
- Read and write Shapes using the Jackson-databdind serialization framework.
- 3 great-circle distance calculators: Law of Cosines, Haversine, Vincenty
For more information on the formats supported, see [](
Spatial4j runs on Java 8 (v1.8) or better. Otherwise, all dependencies listed in the maven [pom.xml](pom.xml) are either marked optional or are for testing. The optional dependencies are:
- JTS: You need JTS if you use polygons, or obviously if you use any of the classes prefixed with "Jts".
- Noggit: The Noggit JSON parsing library is only needed for GeoJSON parsing (not required for writing).
- Jackson-databind: If you wish to use Spatial4j's Jackson-databind feature to read/write shapes.
Why not use JTS? Why should you use Spatial4j?
Spatial4j was born out of an unmet need from other open-source Java software.
JTS is the most popular spatial library in Java. JTS is powerful but it only supports Euclidean geometry (no geodesics) and it has no Circle shape. Spatial4j has a geodesic circle implementation, and it wraps JTS geometries to add dateline-wrap support (no pole wrap yet). JTS recently broadened it's licensing but originally this was a major factor contributing to the founding of Spatial4j.
A geodesic circle implementation (i.e. point-radius on surface of a sphere), has been non-trivial; see for yourself and look at the extensive testing. Presumably many applications will use a polygon substitute for a circle, however note that not only is it an approximation, but common algorithms inscribe instead of circumscribe the circle. The result is a polygon that doesn't quite completely cover the intended shape, potentially resulting in not finding desired data when applied to the information-retrieval domain (e.g. indexing/search in Apache Lucene) where it is usually better to find a false match versus not find a positive match when making approximations. Also, Spatial4j's implementation goes to some lengths to be efficient by only calculating the great-circle-distance a minimum number of times in order to find the intersection relationship with a rectangle. Even computing the bounding-box of this shape was non-obvious, as the initial algorithm lifted from the web at a popular site turned out to be false.
Getting Started
The facade to all of Spatial4j is the SpatialContext
It acts as a factory for shapes and it holds references to most other classes you might use and/or it has convenience methods for them.
For example you can get a DistanceCalculator
but if you just want to calculate the distance then the context has a method for that.
To get a SpatialContext (or just "context" for short), you could use a global singleton SpatialContext.GEO
or JtsSpatialContext.GEO
which both use geodesic surface-of-sphere calculations (when available); the JTS one principally adds Polygon support.
If you want a non-geodesic implementation or you want to customize one of many options, then instantiate a SpatialContextFactory
(or JtsSpatialContextFactory
), set the options, then invoke newSpatialContext()
If you have a set of name-value string pairs, perhaps from a java properties file, then instead use the static makeSpatialContext(map, classLoader)
method which adds a lot of flexibility to the configuration initialization versus hard-coding it.
You should generally avoid calling constructors for anything in Spatial4j except for the SpatialContextFactory
. Constructors aren't strictly forbidden but the factories are there to provide an extension point / abstraction, so don't side-step them unless there's a deliberate reason.
Discuss Spatial4j on our mailing list (note: old list is here).
View metadata about the project as generated by Maven: maven site.
Spatial4j has been ported to .NET (C#) where it is appropriately named Spatial4n.
Future Road Map Ideas
- Support for projections by incorporating Proj4j
- More surface-of-sphere implemented shapes (LineString, Polygon), such as by using Geo3D
- Polygon pole wrap
- Multi-dimensional?
Before Spatial4j, there was Lucene Spatial Playground (LSP) and
from this work a generic core spatial library emerged, independent of Lucene: Spatial4j.
The other parts of LSP were either merged into Lucene / Solr itself or were migrated to
Spatial Solr Sandbox.
On February 26th 2016, with release 0.6, Spatial4j became a LocationTech project (a part of Eclipse) following a long
incubation period.
*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the Spatial4j README section above
are relevant to that project's source code only.