Spatial4j v0.5 Release Notes

Release Date: 2015-09-18 // over 8 years ago
  • DATE: 18 September 2015

    👉 User/API changes & Notes:

    • #96: Java 1.7 is now the minimum version supported by Spatial4j.

    • Spatial4j supports more formats now; see "". More info below.

    • #107: The DatelineRule and ValidationRule enums were moved to the com.spatial4j.context.jts package, and the current setting is exposed on JtsSpatialContext. The autoIndex boolean was moved there too. These things used to be defined in JtsWktShapeParser. (Justin Deoliveira & David Smiley)

    • #92: Shape now exposes the SpatialContext

    • Given a JTS Geometry instance and the desire to have a Spatial4j equivalent Shape, consider using JtsSpatialContext.createShapeFromGeometry(geometry) vs. makeShape(geometry). See the javadocs.

    • WktShapeParser was renamed to WKTReader, although WktShapeParser still exists as a deprecated subclass of WKTReader. SpatialContext.getWktShapeParser returns WKTReader. JtsWktShapeParser was renamed to JtsWKTReader.

    • #90: Publish the test-jar. (Nick Knize)

    • The internal class "Range" is deprecated, unused, and will be removed in a future release.

    🔋 Features:

    • #91: SpatialContext.getFormats() returns a new SupportedFormats which lists the supported Shape formats for readers & writers. (Ryan McKinley)

    • #94: WKT writing support. (Ryan McKinley)

    • #94: GeoJSON format support; both reading & writing. (Ryan McKinley, Justin Deoliveira)

    • #117: Polyshape format support; both reading & writing. (Ryan McKinley, Justin Deoliveira)

    • #98: SpatialPredicate class -- moved from Lucene Spatial. (Ryan McKinley)

    👌 Improvements:

    • #103: JtsGeometry now accepts GeometryCollection if it's component geometry types are homogeneous. (Justin Deoliveira)
      note: for non-homogeneous ones, see JtsSpatialContext.createShapeFromGeometry

    • #97: More consistent use of ParseException vs InvalidShapeException (Ryan McKinley)

    🐛 Bugs:

    • #104: DistanceUtils.distHaversineRAD could return NaN given anti-podal points. (David Smiley)

    • #77: When ShapeCollection & JtsGeometry computed the bounding box for multiple shapes longitudinally, it could sometimes produce a world-wrap longitude instead of the minimal enclosing span. (David Smiley)

    • #86: Rectangle.getBuffered() in geo mode was sometimes slightly off in the southern hemisphere. (David Smiley)

    • #85: Vertical line Rectangles at the dateline should relate with another such Rectangle consistently if one is declared at -180 longitude and the other at +180 longitude. Before this fix, INTERSECTS would sometimes be returned instead of CONTAINS or WITHIN more accurately. (David Smiley)