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1556 days ago
Changelog History
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Changelog History
Page 1
v2.4.0 Changes
November 12, 2020๐ฑ โญ New Features
- Provide a property or environment variable to enable DevTools' restarter irrespective of how the application was launched #21424
๐ฑ ๐ Bug Fixes
- ๐ป Using last modified for static resources in reproducible archives and images causes unwanted browser caching #24099
- ๐ง BootJar's afterResolve action causes resolution failures with the Versions plugin due to configurations being copied and made resolvable #24072
- ๐ Configuration metadata annotation processor may use the wrong accessor for boolean properties #24059
- When using Tomcat, key and trust store passwords set via system properties are overwritten with null when Spring Boot's equivalent properties have not been set #24053
- Config files no longer loaded if they contain a hidden path element #24043
- โ
using H2 with schema.sql and spring.datasource.schema-username fails #24024 - "java.lang.IllegalStateException: zip file closed" when call of spring-boot-loader #24017
- JdbcStoreTypeConfiguration picks transaction of primary data source when Quartz data source is not the primary data source #24015
- โ TestTypeExcludeFilter does not implement hashCode and equals as required by its super-class #24013
- ๐ง Our auto-configuration should not use
as it's ignored on Java 11+ without a dependency on jakarta-annotation-api #24010 - โ
fields are not reset for JUnit 5@Nested
tests using@WebMvcTest
#23984 - ๐ ClasspathLoggingApplicationListener logs the classpath as unknown on Java 11 and later #23138
๐ Documentation
- ๐ Fix link to Flyway callback docs #24122
- ๐ Fix deprecation warnings in javadoc comments #24120
- Provide more details about overriding SpringPhysicalNamingStrategy's case insensitive flag #24062
- ๐ Clarify documentation regarding relaxed binding of environment variables #24033
- โจ Enhance spring.datasource.initialization-mode property description #24030
- Recommend disabling context path redirects when using proxy-terminated SSL with Tomcat #24026
- ๐ Improve Spring Session back off documentation #24019
- โ Clarify the javadoc of AutoConfigureTestDatabase to make it clearer that it only replaces the main DataSource #24007
- Recommend that bean definitions provide as much type information as possible #24005
- ๐ฒ logging.file.* properties flagged with error level while they are still honoured #23995
- โ Add missing default value for enum-based configuration properties #23992
- ๐ Configuration property replacement metadata for spring.resources.cache.cachecontrol.stale-while-revalidate is invalid #23980
โฌ๏ธ ๐จ Dependency Upgrades
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to AppEngine SDK 1.9.83 #24082
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to AssertJ 3.18.1 #24126
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Byte Buddy 1.10.18 #24083
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Couchbase Client 3.0.10 #24084
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Hibernate 5.4.23.Final #24085
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Infinispan 11.0.5.Final #24127
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Jetty 9.4.34.v20201102 #24047
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to jOOQ 3.14.3 #24128
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Kotlin Coroutines 1.4.1 #24087
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Micrometer 1.6.1 #24051
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Netty 4.1.54.Final #24129
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Nimbus JOSE JWT 9.1.2 #24088
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Pooled JMS 1.2.1 #24089
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Reactor 2020.0.1 #24110
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to SendGrid 4.6.8 #24090
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring AMQP 2.3.1 #24073
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Data 2020.0.1 #24036
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.3.1 #24035
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring HATEOAS 1.2.1 #24091
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Integration 5.4.1 #24097
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Kafka 2.6.3 #24074
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Session 2020.0.1 #24098
๐ฑ โค๏ธ Contributors
๐ We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
v2.4.0-RC1 Changes
October 30, 2020๐ฑ โญ New Features
- Provide dependency management for jOOQ's new jooq-kotlin module #23964
- ๐ง Provide a configuration property for the driverClassName of the Liquibase DataSource #23958
- ๐ Move spring.resources.* properties to spring.web.resources.* #23917
- ๐ง Provide configuration properties for setting the logging charsets #23827
- โ Add auto-trimming support to configtree property sources #23826
- โ Add configuration properties for RabbitMQ's batch listener config #23766
- ๐ฆ Expose BootBuildImage's cleanCache property as a command-line option #23753
- ๐ Allow a SAML2 relying party registration's assertion consumer service binding and location to be configured via application properties #23746
- ๐ Rename*.relying-party-entity-id*.entityId
#23745 - โ Add a command line option for image.cleanCache when building with Maven #23719
- ๐ Allow a SAML2 relying party registration's decryption X509 credentials to be configured via application properties #23705
- โ Add support for CNB platform API 0.4 #23692
- ๐ Allow TestPropertyValues.of to take a Map source #23685
- ๐ฒ Rationalize Logback logging properties #23609
- ๐ When building with Maven, include project dependencies in the application layer by default #23463
- ๐ง Provide properties to configure WebFlux's locale and how it's resolved #23449
- โ Remove skipping of spring-boot-* projects when determining what is eligible for DevTools restart #23158
- ๐ Make
support nested annotations #23146 - ๐ Change favicon default StaticResourceLocation #23126
- โก๏ธ Update TextResourceOrigin to show the source jar of a ClasspathResource #23019
- ๐ Use stricter multi-document properties separator logic #22963
- ๐ Support wildcard configtree imports #22958
- ๐ Support Gradle's configuration cache with Gradle 6.7 and later #22922
- ๐ง Provide a property for configuring the base path of the Actuator's endpoints when using WebFlux #22906
- ๐ Allow proxied
to be used with Mockito's inline mock maker #22416 - ๐ป Fail with exception if management.server.address is set but actuator is on the same port #22187
- ๐ง Don't adapt RandomPropertySource to ConfigurationPropertySource #21659
- ๐ง Auto-configuration of MethodValidationPostProcessor prevents the use of
on final@ConfigurationProperties
classes #21454 - ๐ Allow
ServletContextListeners to programmatically add servlets and filters #18303
๐ฑ ๐ Bug Fixes
- ๐ง Configuration property annotation processor does not notice overriding getter methods #23970
- ๐ Incremental compilation does not keep metadata for inner classes #23960
- ๐ Maven plugin build-image creator step fails in Bitbucket pipelines #23957
- ๐ง Datasource initialisation with JPA schema configured in deferred mode happens asynchronously #23933
- ๐ ConfigurationMetadataAnnotationProcessor can add duplicate entries #23916
- Jar entries are duplicated in BOOT-INF/lib with layered jars and Maven #23819
- โ HttpEncodingAutoConfiguration is not added to the WebMvcTest slice #23817
- ๐ Wildcard locations for configs causes files to be parsed multiple times on k8s #23815
- ๐ป Exception thrown from /actuator/env endpoint when spring.config.import=configtree:xxxx is used #23805
- ๐ฒ Exceptions when initializing logging system are not shown #23802
- excludeProjectDependencies() does not work when customising a jar's layers with Gradle #23763
- ๐ง A reactive web application using Spring Session uses server.servlet.session.timeout to configure its session timeout #23752
- โฑ server.servlet.session.timeout not in effect when using Jetty starter without jakarta.annotation and javax.annotation #23751
- If the JVM is killed while refresh is in progress, the shutdown hook does not close the context #23744
- Hang on AbstractEntityManagerFactoryBean.getNativeEntityManagerFactory() #23735
- BootJar.getConfigurations() should not be public API #23732
- Renaming of CompositeMeterRegistryAutoConfiguration breaks code that was excluding it or referring to it from
/After #23724 - ๐ Databases that support embedded and non-embedded modes are always detected as embedded #23693
- โ
fields are not reset for JUnit 5@Nested
tests #12470
๐ Documentation
- โ Remove version elements from Maven plugin documentation #23931
- ๐ Polish HTTP/2 Cleartext documentation #23820
- ๐ง Document how to enable h2c via programmatic configuration #23816
- Note that using LiveReload requires Devtools restart to be enabled #23765
- ๐ Fix links to Spring Framework documentation #23737
- ๐ Maven layers documentation is incomplete #23731
- โ Add reference to JobRunr Spring Boot starter #23725
- ๐ Polish titles on configblocks #23722
- ๐ง Document how to override attributes already specified in Maven plugin configuration #23718
- ๐ Block selection in docs only works in single page HTML #23709
โฌ๏ธ ๐จ Dependency Upgrades
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to AssertJ 3.18.0 #23888
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Commons Pool2 2.9.0 #23889
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Dropwizard Metrics 4.1.14 #23890
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Elasticsearch 7.9.3 #23891
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Flyway 7.1.1 #23932
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Jetty 9.4.33.v20201020 #23893
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to jOOQ 3.14.0 #23894
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Kotlin Coroutines 1.4.0 #23913
- ๐ Upgrade to Lettuce 6.0.1.RELEASE #23923
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Lombok 1.18.16 #23895
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Micrometer 1.6.0 #23525
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Mockito 3.6.0 #23924
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to MongoDB 4.1.1 #23897
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to MSSQL JDBC 8.4.1.jre8 #23742
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to MySQL 8.0.22 #23898
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Netty 4.1.53.Final #23899
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Nimbus JOSE JWT 9.1.1 #23901
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to OAuth2 OIDC SDK 8.23.1 #23900
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Oracle Database #23902
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Postgresql 42.2.18 #23903
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to R2DBC Bom Arabba-SR8 #23904
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Rabbit AMQP Client 5.10.0 #23905
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Reactor 2020.0.0 #23771
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to RSocket 1.1.0 #23912
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to SendGrid 4.6.7 #23906
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring AMQP 2.3.0 #23785
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Batch 4.3.0 #23963
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Data 2020.0.0 #23778
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.3.0 #23774
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring HATEOAS 1.2.0 #23779
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Integration 5.4.0 #23781
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Session 2020.0.0 #23788
๐ฑ โค๏ธ Contributors
๐ We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
v2.4.0-M4 Changes
October 15, 2020๐ฑ โญ New Features
- ๐ Improve ConfigData processing code #23711
- Apply FailureAnalyzers even if the ApplicationContext was not created #23710
- ๐ Set platform API version when invoking image builder #23682
- Align name of UndertowServletWebServerFactory's eagerInitFilters with Undertow's naming #23674
- โ Add KafkaStream's CleanupConfig properties #23636
- โ Add a FailureAnalyzer for ConfigDataNotFoundException #23633
- โก๏ธ Update default builder image for image builds with buildpacks #23628
- ๐ง Override Undertow's defaults so that the request URL of a forwarded request is spec-compliant and make it configurable via an application property #23619
- ๐ง Use a Property named mainClass to configure the main class name in the Gradle plugin #23608
- โ Remove from spring-boot-starter-webflux in favour of WebFlux's own parser #23601
- โ Address inconsistencies in enabling configuration properties #23593
- โ Add configuration properties for Flyway 7.0's new configuration options #23579
- ๐ Use JdbcTransactionManager in favor of DatasourceTransactionManager #23572
- ๐ Deprecate HSQL in EmbeddedDatabaseConnection and add HSQLDB as its preferred replacement #23565
- โ Add configuration option to configure RabbitConnectionFactory's channelRpcTimeout #23564
- ๐ Avoid resolving configurations unnecessarily when building a layered jar #23528
- โ Add BootstrapContext methods that deal with missing registrations #23438
- ๐ง Configure the bootBuildInfo task lazily #23435
- ๐ When building with Gradle, include project dependencies in the application layer by default and make it easer to customise their location #23431
- ๐ Allow users to define their own LocaleContextResolver bean when using WebFlux #23419
- โ Add support for Oracle UCP #23403
- ๐ Configure Docker host in build plugins #23400
- ๐ Allow to create a custom RestTemplateBuilder whilst retaining default auto-configuration #23389
- ๐ง Don't apply MeterFilter to auto-configured composite registry #23381
- โ Add configuration option to customize RSocketServer's fragment size #23247
- ๐ Improve CassandraHealthIndicator with more robust mechanism #23041
- ๐ Allow binding to collections when a boolean 'is' method also exists #23007
- 0๏ธโฃ Stop registering the default servlet by default #22915
- โ Add support for Redis 6 authentication with username #22702
- ๐ฆ Expose cache metrics for RedisCache #22701
- ๐ง Configure ApplicationContext's ResourceLoader on RabbitConnectionFactory #22332
- โ Add origin support for empty YAML list and map #21704
- โ Add support for publishing docker images to a registry #21001
- โ Add support for Hazelcast 4 #20856
๐ฑ ๐ Bug Fixes
- Setting server.undertow.eager-filter-init has no effect #23677
- ๐ง
does not apply Formatter beans #23615 - ๐ spring-boot-configuration-processor prevents builds from being incremental when source retention annotations are present #23580
- H2 Console error with AbstractRoutingDataSource #23570
- When using embedded Jetty, an error response to a HEAD request has a body #23557
- Custom layer definition does not pick up snapshots #23541
- ๐ง Datasource initialisation with JPA schema configured in deferred mode happens asynchronously #23535
- Dependency management for Netty tcNative does not include its netty-tcnative module #23509
- PropertiesLauncher requires spring-core on the classpath #23501
- 0๏ธโฃ Log4j's tag library doesn't work out of the box as log4j-*.jar is skipped by default #23482
- ๐ง DataSourceBuilder should only alias a property when the expected DataSource is configured #23480
- โ Unexpected application context cache hit when testing with SpringBootTest webEnvironment MOCK and DEFINED_PORT #23478
- ๐ง Log4j2 configuration is not picking up some properties #23430
- ๐ง Flyway configuration ignores init-sqls when using spring.datasource.* properties #23409
- Kubernetes configmap hidden files are exposed as property sources #23232
๐ Documentation
- ๐ Fix XML tag in image publishing example #23632
- โ
Document that
does not support transactional tests with a reactive setup #23630 - ๐ง Document that a reactive transaction manager is not auto-configured with Spring Data Neo4j #23629
- ๐ Document how JAVA_OPTS can be used with the buildpack #23626
- โ Add example of default Cloud Native Buildpacks Builder #23623
- โ Add upgrading section to reference docs with a link to the wiki #23612
- โ Add example of setting system property in gradle bootRun #23599
- ๐ Fix typos in reference documentation and contributing guidelines #23573
- ๐ Update configuration metadata appendix to remove description for Gradle 4.5 and earlier as it is no longer supported #23568
- ๐ง Provide both properties and YAML for each configuration properties example #23515
- โ Add reference to desensitization spring boot starter #23507
- ๐ Fix typos #23465
- ๐ Fix link to Log4j's JDK Logging Adapter in reference documentation #23462
- ๐ Fix typo #23456
- Revisit hint on using classpath* for retrieving templates #23453
- ๐ง Note the Kt class name suffix when describing how to configure a Kotlin application's main class name #23423
- โ Add anchor links to section headers in Gradle and Maven plugin reference docs #23407
โฌ๏ธ ๐จ Dependency Upgrades
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Byte Buddy 1.10.17 #23639
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Caffeine 2.8.6 #23640
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Commons DBCP2 2.8.0 #23641
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Couchbase Client 3.0.9 #23642
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Dropwizard Metrics 4.1.13 #23643
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Elasticsearch 7.9.2 #23644
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Flyway 7.0.2 #23645
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Hazelcast 4.0.3 #23475
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Hazelcast Hibernate5 2.1.1 #23476
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Hibernate 5.4.22.Final #23646
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Hibernate Validator 6.1.6.Final #23647
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to HtmlUnit 2.44.0 #23648
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to HttpClient 4.5.13 #23649
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Infinispan 11.0.4.Final #23650
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Jackson Bom 2.11.3 #23651
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Jersey 2.32 #23652
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Jetty 9.4.32.v20200930 #23653
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to jOOQ 3.13.5 #23654
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to JUnit 4.13.1 #23655
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Kotlin 1.4.10 #23656
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Kotlin Coroutines 1.4.0-M1 #23678
- ๐ Upgrade to Lettuce 6.0.0.RELEASE #23657
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Liquibase 3.10.3 #23658
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Lombok 1.18.14 #23659
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to MariaDB 2.7.0 #23660
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Mockito 3.5.13 #23661
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to OAuth2 OIDC SDK 8.22 #23673
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Postgresql 42.2.17 #23662
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to QueryDSL 4.4.0 #23663
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Reactor 2020.0.0-RC2 #23621
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to RSocket 1.1.0-RC1 #23637
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to RxJava2 2.2.20 #23664
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Selenium HtmlUnit 2.44.0 #23665
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to SendGrid 4.6.6 #23666
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring AMQP 2.3.0-RC1 #23680
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Data 2020.0.0-RC2 #23594
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.3.0-RC2 #23534
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Integration 5.4.0-RC1 #23695
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Kafka 2.6.2 #23679
- ๐ Upgrade to Spring Security 5.4.1 #23667
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.39 #23668
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Undertow 2.2.2.Final #23669
๐ฑ โค๏ธ Contributors
๐ We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
v2.4.0-M3 Changes
September 17, 2020๐ฑ โญ New Features
- ๐ Allow trailing whitespace on properties document split marker #23399
- โ Add startup Actuator endpoint #23213
- ๐ Support constructor binding on 3rd party classes #23172
- โ Add mainApplicationClass information as a tag to "starting" StartupStep #23162
- ๐ Allow EntityScanner to be extended to provide a custom ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider #23154
- ๐ Allow redis's connect and read/command timeouts to be configured separately #23137
- ๐ Allow default binder to work with multiple constructors #23117
- Avoid unnecessary reflection in TaskExecutorBuilder #23107
- โ Add global optional config data opt-out #23097
- ๐ง Provide a property for configuring Spring AMQP's address shuffle mode #23091
- ๐ Generate a default value in the metadata for configuration properties initialised with Period.ZERO and Duration.ZERO #23082
- ๐ Fix some typos in tests #23050
- ๐ง Provide a configuration property for Kafka listener container's idleBetweenPolls #23048
- ๐ Configure SAML 2.0 Service Provider via Metadata #23045
- Fail if import locations are not found #23032
- Provide a simple Instantiator utility class #23029
- ๐ Allow placeholders to be used in config import locations #23020
- ๐ Improve origin of imported config #23018
- ๐ Rename CompositeMeterRegistryAutoConfiguration #22988
- ๐ง Auto-configure ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory with a user-provided RecordFilterStrategy bean if available #22973
- ๐ Support authentication from Docker daemon to private docker registry. #22972
- โ Add a registry to support long lived instances during environment processing #22956
- ๐ Rename neo4j.version to neo4j-java-driver.version #22952
- โช Restore support for spring.profiles.include for non profile specific documents #22944
- ๐ง Mark
as nonresolvable configuration in Gradle plugin to better convey its purpose #22943 - ๐ง Make GridFsTemplate's bucket configurable #22854
- Align WebClient uri metric tag with RestTemplate's #22832
- ๐ Disable default security configuration when SecurityFilterChain bean is present #22739
- Provide a buffering implementation for application startup metrics #22603
- โ Remove Elasticsearch RestClient auto-configuration #22358
- ๐ Support loading external configuration from files with no file extension #22280
- Exclude empty starters jars and annotation processors when running or packaging with Maven and Gradle #22036
- ๐ Make Devtools file detection more resilient across application restarts #19543
- โ Add SSL support to RSocketServer #19399
๐ฑ ๐ Bug Fixes
- spring-boot-dependencies should not define a spring-boot.version property #23378
- ๐ง @ManagementContextConfiguration is meta-annotated with @configuration(proxyBeanMethods=false) which does not disable proxying #23306
- ๐ Signed jar dependency performance problem when repackaged in a single jar #23265
- ValidationHandler no longer works with certain map keys #23261
- MVC error model unnecessarily requires timestamp entry to be a java.util.Date #23259
- Missing sanitization in lists of URIs properties on actuator endpoints #23253
- Cassandra's pool duration mapping uses a wrong duration unit #23251
- PropertiesLauncher fails to load PBKDF-OpenSSL of bcprov-jdk15on-1.64.jar #23241
- ErrorPageFilter is no longer ordered at HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE + 1 #23205
- ๐ When using HSQLDB, Hikari logs a warning message about the driver class name when the first connection is retrieved from the pool #23204
- Large files can throw YAMLException due to node limits #23153
- ๐ง Configurable SSL Logback extensions can't be supported due to URL checks #23136
- ๐ Image building support does not zero-pad digest hashes to 64 characters #23134
- ๐ Image builder fails silently when there's an error loading the ephemeral image #23133
- RSocketPortInfoApplicationContextInitializer can throw NPE #23089
- Dependency convergence error for nimbus-jose-jwt when depending on spring-boot-starter-oauth2-client #23072
- UndertowWebServerFactoryCustomizer requires commons lang via an unintended import on ClassUtils #23064
- ๐ง Freemarker is configured to prefer filesystem access by default #23051
- ๐ Too much logging when building an OCI image with Maven #23015
- LayoutFactory can be presented with empty source file #23001
- Extracting layers with layertools doesn't work with executable JAR files #23000
- JarFile can cause memory issues when running on Java 11+ #22999
- ๐ง Metrics auto-configurations are not ordered correctly #22990
- ๐ Exception inclusion cannot be disabled when sub-classing DefaultErrorAttributes and using its deprecated constructor #22984
- The @TypeExcludeFilters annotation is not @inherited #22967
- โก๏ธ Update transaction auto-configuration to backoff if a TransactionManager is defined #22851
- 0๏ธโฃ MongoClientFactorySupport overrides existing uuidRepresentation with MongoProperties default value #22321
๐ Documentation
- ๐ง Document that @ConfigurationProperties beans are not scanned in sliced tests #23244
- ๐ Document that buildpacks use non-root users for building container images and running containers #23201
- โ Add reference to AOProfiling Spring Boot starter #23161
- ๐ Document setting buildpack Java version from compiler plugin version #23148
- Document how to perform tasks after application startup #23145
- ๐ Fix documentation on Elasticsearch client configuration #23144
- ๐ Update Maven Plugin's documentation to note the importance of configuring start and stop goals with the same JMX port #23143
- ๐ง Document how to use spring.factories to add auto-configuration to a test slice #23142
- Document that graceful shutdown may not work from IDEs #23140
- ๐ Provide examples of Actuator custom endpoints in the reference documentation #23061
- โ Add Hyperledger Fabric for Spring Boot Starter to the community starters #23058
- โ Mention correct JUnit 5 annotations in Kotlin testing section #23005
- ๐ Fix Gradle Plugin custom image name example and documentation #22980
- Javadoc inaccuracy in #22965
- ๐ Fix typo
#22961 - ๐ Document that Java 15 is a supported version #22366
- ๐ Publish Actuator API and Maven/Gradle plugin reference documentation under htmlsingle #21585
- โ Add more anchors in the properties appendix #16267
โฌ๏ธ ๐จ Dependency Upgrades
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to SendGrid 4.6.5 #23397
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Micrometer 1.5.5 #23396
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Flyway 6.5.6 #23395
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Kafka 2.6.1 #23382
- ๐ Upgrade to Spring REST Docs 2.0.5.RELEASE #23377
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Mockito 3.5.10 #23368
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Undertow 2.2.0.Final #23367
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Thymeleaf Layout Dialect 2.5.1 #23366
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to SnakeYAML 1.27 #23365
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Postgresql 42.2.16 #23364
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Pooled JMS 1.2.0 #23363
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to InfluxDB Java 2.20 #23362
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Artemis 2.15.0 #23361
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Lettuce 6.0.0.RC2 #23360
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.38 #23359
- ๐ Upgrade to Spring WS 3.0.10.RELEASE #23358
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to SendGrid 4.6.4 #23357
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to R2DBC Bom Arabba-SR7 #23356
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Nimbus JOSE JWT 9.0.1 #23355
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to OAuth2 OIDC SDK 8.19.2 #23354
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Netty tcNative 2.0.34.Final #23353
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Netty 4.1.52.Final #23352
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to JUnit Jupiter 5.7.0 #23351
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Hibernate 5.4.21.Final #23350
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Hazelcast 3.12.9 #23349
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Flyway 6.5.5 #23348
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Elasticsearch 7.9.1 #23347
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Ehcache3 3.9.0 #23346
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Couchbase Client 3.0.8 #23345
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Commons Codec 1.15 #23344
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Cassandra Driver 4.9.0 #23343
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to AppEngine SDK 1.9.82 #23342
- ๐ Upgrade to Spring Security 5.4.0 #23225
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to RSocket 1.1.0-M2 #23214
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Data 2020.0.0-RC1 #23197
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Batch 4.3.0-RC1 #23189
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Session 2020.0.0-RC1 #23188
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Assertj 3.17.2 #23179
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.3 RC1 #23170
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Reactor 2020.0.0-RC1 #23065
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Kotlin Coroutines 1.3.9 #23025
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Kotlin 1.4.0 #23024
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring AMQP 2.3.0-M3 #23011
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Integration 5.4.0-M3 #23010
๐ฑ โค๏ธ Contributors
๐ We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
v2.4.0-M2 Changes
August 13, 2020๐ฑ โญ New Features
- ๐ง Prefer non-reflective access to ConfigurationClassPostProcessor #22858
- 0๏ธโฃ Do not include cookie headers in HTTP traces by default #22829
- Jetty with Conscrypt no longer a requirement for easy HTTP/2 #22826
- โ Add no-pull option for image building #22736
- ๐ Use new core framework r2dbc support #22708
- Fail hard if spring.profiles.include is used with new config processing #22693
- ๐ Allow DurationFormat and PeriodFormat to be used on parameters #22646
- ๐ Allow for programatic access to new ConfigDataEnvironment processing #22601
- Instrument SpringBootApplication for application startup metrics #22600
- โ Add configuration to disable Redis Cluster dynamic sources refresh #22571
- ๐ Allow Jedis to be selected when both Jedis and Lettuce are on the classpath #22569
- โ Add basic auth support for Prometheus pushgateway #22548
- โ Add functional constructor to EnvironmentPostProcessorApplicationListener #22529
- โ Add support for profile groups #22522
- 0๏ธโฃ Extract DefaultPropertiesPropertySource class #22520
- โ Add plugin management for liquibase-maven-plugin #22499
- โ Add CloudPlatform.isEnforced that uses a Binder #22498
- ๐ Replace ConfigFileApplicationListener and rework application properties support #22497
- โ Add DeferredLogFactory support #22496
- โ Add multi-document properties file support #22495
- โ Add ConfigurationPropertySource.from factory method #22494
- โ Add @name support for value object binding #22492
- ๐ Improve Liveness/Readiness health indicators and probes configuration #22483
- โ Remove version management for exec-maven plugin #22397
- 0๏ธโฃ Make DefaultErrorAttributes easier to subclass for message customization #22378
- โ Add properties for Netty HttpDecoderSpec #22367
- ๐ Avoid unnecessary allocations in ConditionMessage for NORMAL style #22331
- ๐ Allow SpringApplication to create its application context without requiring reflection #22322
- โ Add failure analyzer for missing Liquibase changelog #22320
- Switch Neo4j health checks to the new Neo4j driver #22302
- โ Add auto-configuration for Neo4j driver #22301
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Data Neo4j 6 #22299
- Measure with nanoseconds in HttpExchangeTracer #22266
- ๐ Support configuration of localEntityIdTemplate for a SAML Relying Party #22258
- โ Add a property to not create HealthIndicators from AbstractRoutingDatasources #22222
- โ Add support for reactive Elasticsearch healthcheck #22215
- ๐ Support incremental annotation processing with Gradle #22150
- ๐ Allow exclude only health groups #22053
- ๐ง Auto-configure Rabbit connection factory with CredentialsProvider and CredentialsRefreshService when available #22016
- ๐ Allow specifying unit type of configuration property when injected via constructor #21746
- โ Add option to configure PathPatternParser in Spring MVC #21694
- โ Add support for easily disabling metrics export #21658
- ๐ Support iso offset time and date-time conversion with MVC and WebFlux by setting time or date-time properties to iso-offset #21630
- โ Add properties to control exceptions ignored by LdapTemplate #21289
- ๐ Support additional R2DBC pool properties #21219
- 0๏ธโฃ Switching default to include layers index for fat jar #20983
- โ Add support for creating property sources from volume-mounted Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets #19990
- โ Add a test slice for Spring Data Cassandra #17490
- ๐ง Consider spring.profiles.default when processing configuration files #15994
- Application properties outside of jar should take precedence over profile-specific variants inside the jar #3845
๐ฑ ๐ Bug Fixes
- MustacheEnvironmentCollector with nullValue compiler option no longer works in version 2.3.1 #22938
- Externalized Configuration ignores null values in SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON #22897
- CouchbaseCacheManager can no longer be customized using CacheManagerCustomizer #22874
- Requests that should be handled by an additional DispatcherServlet result in a 404 response #22856
- Legacy endpoint ids with '-' do not migrate cleanly #22850
- When Reactor's debug agent fails to initialize, the cause of the failure is discarded #22848
- StartupStep are closed twice in SpringApplicationRunListeners #22776
- ๐ OCI image build fails if environment has any empty properties #22735
- Kubernetes readiness probe endpoint returning 404 #22698
- ๐ NPE in BeanDefinitionLoader when loading non-Class sources and XML support is disabled #22696
- ๐ LiquibaseEndpoint does not report change sets from ancestor contexts #22687
- ๐ Async exceptions not handled by error pages in war deployments #22673
- XADataSourceAutoConfiguration is difficult to use with DB2XADataSource as it does not have a URL property #22642
- ๐ง TaskExecutorBuilder only uses second-precision when configuring the await termination period #22612
- Profile groups are not applied to the environment #22605
- ๐ง Setting ignoreInvalidFields=true on @ConfigurationProperties causes unknown fields to be ignored as well #22586
- Spring Boot 2.3.2: new context is created for every IT class if SpyBean is used #22584
- โ Background preinitialisation may cause Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder's Kotlin detection warning to be silently dropped #22581
- ๐ UndertowWebServerFactoryCustomizer does not support Options but only UndertowOptions #22579
- โ WebMvcTest and WebFluxTest do not include Jackson Module beans #22577
- CouchbaseCacheConfiguration is not ordered properly #22568
- ๐ AbstractRepositoryConfigurationSourceSupport does not override registerBeanDefinitions(AnnotationMetadata, BeanDefinitionRegistry) #22546
- Filter empty YAML documents #22493
- ๐ Numerous logs mentioning a failed JNDI lookup when using Jetty #22419
- ConditionMessage#items throws an NPE with a null list of items although the Javadoc states it is tolerated #22357
- ๐ Image building fails with an unhelpful error message when building an image from a jar that includes the launch script #22349
- ๐ Temporary files not cleaned up after Maven plugin execution #22328
- ๐ง OnClassCondition tries to determine the outcome for single auto-configuration classes in parallel #22327
- ๐ง ConfigurationPropertiesBeanDefinitionValidator interferes with EclipseLink load-time weaving #22326
- ๐ Image building fails when DOCKER_HOST is set to a local socket prefixed with unix:// #22304
- A WebFlux app that depends on com.amazonaws:DynamoDBLocal fails to start #22283
- ๐ง The failure when spring.redis.url is configured with a redis-sentinel:// URL is hard to diagnose #22272
- โ Property spring.autoconfigure.exclude ignored by test slices #22263
- ๐ OAuth2ResourceServerAutoConfiguration does not back off completely when spring-security-oauth2-resource-server is not on the classpath #22255
- 0๏ธโฃ NullPointerException in ErrorPageFilter when a MissingServletRequestParameterException is thrown and there's no DefaultHandlerExceptionResolver #22250
- ๐ Period conversion does not support a ChronoUnit of WEEKS but supports weeks in ISO-8601 (e.g. P2W) and simple (e.g. 2w) formats #22238
- โ Layered bootJar task causes warnings when custom source set is present in the project #22202
- @ConditionalOnSingleCandidate does not match when there is a single candidate that is a scoped bean #22198
- ๐ Kafka Stream consumer metrics were lost in the move away from KafkaConsumerMetrics #22196
- ๐ NPE in spring-boot-maven-plugin:build-image when setting custom builder that is not a builder #22180
- ๐ง Accept empty filter dispatcher types in auto-configurations #22176
- โ TomcatMetricsBinder may log a warning for an NPE if the context is closed before the ApplicationStartedEvent is published #22168
- Resource loading fails in Tomcat when Spring Boot is loaded from the common class loader #22160
- ๐ง Inconsistent configuration ordering with profiles #18199
- Conditional documents in profile specific file are not loaded consistently #11109
๐ Documentation
- ๐ PushGateway documentation does not document enabled flag properly #22931
- 0๏ธโฃ Default value of server.jetty.accesslog.format is wrongly associated to server.forward-headers-strategy #22928
- Use wildcard in BP_JVM_VERSION with image building #22923
- ๐ง Kotlin examples for configuring bootBuildImage's environment use wrong map configuration syntax #22917
- ๐ง Mention configuration customizers for WebTestClient and RestAssured in AutoConfigureRestDocs' javadoc #22911
- ๐ Document how to discover the HTTP Port at Runtime for both Servlet and Reactive web apps #22900
- ๐ง Document that spring-boot-configuration-processor cannot detect default value defined externally #22891
- ๐ง Document that application.conf is not read by default when using the Cassandra auto-configuration #22889
- ๐ Fix wrong reference in
javadoc #22846 - ๐ Docs say Health's inner
section may contain components #22775 - โ Recommend the use of AopTestUtils.getTargetObject() when setting expectations on a spied bean that Spring has proxied #22759
- Document that schema.sql and data.sql will still be run when using Flyway or Liquibase but discourage their use #22749
- ๐ Fix broken links to Micrometer registry docs #22707
- Document properties to enable probe health indicators #22697
- ๐ Document how to use Gradle's native bom support as an alternative to the dependency management plugin #22678
- ๐ง Document how to opt back in to DataSource auto-configuration when using R2DBC #22677
- ๐ Clarify documentation on use of @AutoConfigureRestDocs with WebTestClient #22670
- ๐ Document Spring Data Neo4j 6 support #22652
- ๐ Update metrics documentation to note the benefits of using a MeterBinder when registering a metric that relies on other beans #22630
- ๐ Include a hint where to find documentation for DevTools in docs overview #22623
- โ Add ElasticsearchReactiveHealthIndicator to docs #22619
- ๐ Fix link to Elasticsearch health indicator #22618
- ๐ Link to App Engine Standard sample not working #22609
- ๐ Improve documentation about swapping one technical starter for another #22597
- Document how to use MongoClientSettingsBuilderCustomizer #22590
- ๐ง Document the need for configuration files to have a file extension #22588
- ๐ง Document that java.util.Optional is not recommended with ConfigurationProperties #22575
- ๐ Typo in metadata for "" #22561
- ๐ Overhaul "externalized configuration" documentation #22521
- ๐ Update the documentation to avoid trivialising what the reader's learning about #22411
- ๐ Restructure "Building Container Images" section #22360
- ๐ง Clarify the effect of ordering auto-configuration #22340
- ๐ Update documentation to reflect the web server now being started immediately before the ContextRefreshedEvent is published #22316
- ๐ Fix dead link url and name of the STS download link #22274
- Clarify locations inside and outside the jar from which properties are loaded #22265
- ๐ Rename NoneOfNestedConditions to NoneNestedConditions in example docs #22247
- ๐ Update metadata for WebFlux time and date-time properties to offer iso-offset as a suggested value #22174
- โ Add package info for #22173
- โก๏ธ Update layers.idx file example in docs #22152
โฌ๏ธ ๐จ Dependency Upgrades
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Selenium HtmlUnit 2.43.1 #22937
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Micrometer 1.5.4 #22936
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Flyway 6.5.4 #22935
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring HATEOAS 1.2.0-M1 #22893
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Batch 4.3.0-M2 #22892
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Versions Maven Plugin 2.8.1 #22884
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Selenium HtmlUnit 2.43.0 #22883
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Pooled JMS 1.1.2 #22882
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Maven Resources Plugin 3.2.0 #22881
- ๐ Upgrade to Lettuce 5.3.3.RELEASE #22880
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Kotlin Coroutines 1.3.8 #22879
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to HtmlUnit 2.43.0 #22878
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Hibernate 5.4.20.Final #22877
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Dropwizard Metrics #22876
- ๐ Upgrade to Dependency Management Plugin 1.0.10.RELEASE #22875
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Mockito 3.4.6 #22838
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.37 #22818
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to SQLite JDBC #22817
- ๐ Upgrade to Spring HATEOAS 1.1.1.RELEASE #22816
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Solr 8.5.2 #22815
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to SendGrid 4.6.3 #22814
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Netty 4.1.51.Final #22812
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to MySQL 8.0.21 #22811
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to MongoDB 4.1.0 #22810
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Micrometer 1.5.3 #22809
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Maven War Plugin 3.3.1 #22808
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to MariaDB 2.6.2 #22807
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Liquibase 3.10.2 #22806
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring AMQP 2.3.0-M2 #22761
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to RSocket 1.1.0-M1 #22751
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Kafka 2.6.0-M1 #22730
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Integration 5.4.0-M2 #22729
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Couchbase Client 3.0.7 #22688
- ๐ Upgrade to Spring Security 5.4.0-RC1 #22668
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Reactor 2020.0.0-M2 #22667
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Elasticsearch 7.8.1 #22648
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Data 2020.0.0-M2 #22647
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.3.0-M2 #22640
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Groovy 2.5.13 #22527
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to R2DBC Arabba-SR6 #22395
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Infinispan 11.0.1.Final #22286
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Maven Shade Plugin 3.2.4 #22228
๐ฑ โค๏ธ Contributors
๐ We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
v2.4.0-M1 Changes
June 29, 2020๐ฑ โญ New Features
- โ Add StatsD transport protocol configuration option #22125
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Flyway 6.5 and support new create schemas property #22120
- ๐ Disable LogbackLoggingSystem's XML support when spring.xml.ignore is true #22106
- Disable XML bean definition loading when spring.xml.ignore is true #22093
- ๐ฒ LoggingApplicationListener: Trim trailing whitespace from value of logging.config #22078
- โ Remove plugin management for Flatten Maven Plugin #21984
- โ Add run-image option for image building #21933
- ๐ Support user info in Elasticsearch URIs #21747
- โก๏ธ Optimize SystemEnvironmentPropertyMapper #21726
- โ Add Java 15 to JavaVersion enum #21691
- ๐ Provide better diagnostics when building an OCI image fails due to a 500 response from Docker #21685
- Provide dependency management for Oracle?s JDBC driver under new Maven coordinates #21665
- Spring Cloud's CachedRandomPropertySource is not adapted correctly #21661
- โ Remove JUnit 4 from spring-boot-starter-test #21625
- ๐ณ Provide better error message if Docker is not running #21623
- ๐จ Print the java version being used on startup #21559
- ๐ Support filtered scrape for Prometheus #21545
- ๐ Support for webAdminPassword property of H2 Console #21533
- RedisReactiveHealthIndicator should provide cluster details in cluster mode #21514
- โ Add Cassandra health indicator that uses CqlSession #20887
๐ฑ ๐ Bug Fixes
- ๐ layertools with a wrong option seems to fail silently #22121
- RedisReactiveHealthIndicator is broken with Redis cluster mode #22095
- Management health group does not inherit show-details property #22064
- NamedPipeSocket does not handle FileSystemException when establishing the file channel #22037
- โฑ In a context hierarchy, timeout-per-shutdown-phase is only honoured in the root context #22019
- ๐ Image references passed to a CNB builder are not validated #22017
- LOGBACK: No context given for c.q.l.core.rolling.SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy #22011
- ๐ Projects using Maven and spring-security-oauth2-client end up with a downgraded version of json-smart that isn't compatible with the managed version of json-path #22009
- โ MockBean does not resolve the right type for abstract test class #22007
- spring-boot-starter-parent contains elements that must be overridden and aren't documented as such #21994
- ๐ Dependencies enforced without applying plugin #21940
- ๐ Welcome page support bypasses controllers mapped to / #21925
- AvailabilityChangeEvent does not carry generic information #21904
- ๐ Not able to use digest in 'builder' reference #21895
- ๐ณ Docker calls may hang forever #21892
- 0๏ธโฃ Default log levels are inconsistent between log4J2 and logback #21883
- Actuator 'loggers' endpoint does not return all loggers for log4j #21881
- Different actuator management server port changes response on errors #21874
- ๐ง Configuring server.* properties in a child context has no effect in Spring Boot 2.3 #21869
- ๐ง Auto-Configuration for Cassandra does not back off if a custom ReactiveSessionFactory is defined #21867
- ๐ WebMvcTest does not use the auto-configured ordering for Spring Security's filter #21839
- Password-based authentication with Cassandra does not work with Spring Boot 2.3.0 #21802
- STOMP does not work with lazy initialization #21788
- ๐ Fix BasicErrorController to use binding error cfg #21770
- ๐ Fix MustacheEnvironmentCollector to not ignore native fetcher #21766
- Spring Boot CLI adds classes from current directory to the classpath on Unix-like platforms #21756
- โ @SpringBootTest not picking @nAmed classes with a non-public constructor #21735
- PropertiesLauncher cannot load a resource in jar via URL #21727
- ๐ UnsupportedOperationException is thrown from war when shutting down Tomcat #21690
- Scope of some dependencies has changed from compile to runtime #21669
- SpringConfigurationPropertySource incorrectly returns ABSENT for sub properties #21656
- ๐ Maven plugin help is missing #21649
- ๐ Management security configuration does not back off when SAML is configured #21644
๐ Documentation
- โ Remove Javadoc throw for ConfigurationPropertyName.ofIfValid() #22029
- Document how to exclude an annotation processor with Maven #22024
- ๐ Document Kafka metrics support #21918
- ๐ Fix wrong property reference to keys-to-sanitize in Javadoc #21917
- ๐ Fix formatting of
in reference documentation #21915 - ๐ is not formatted as an environment variable in multi-page reference documentation #21891
- ๐ Document using system properties in gradle plugin docs #21799
- ๐ Document deprecations of org.springframework.boot.loader.archive.Archive.iterator() #21768
- ๐ Change liveness-port to management-port #21765
- ๐ง Clarify that configuring a custom health HTTP status mapping replaces the default mappings #21763
- ๐ Document the difference in dispatch type and the effect on the security filter caused by the error page filter when deployed to a standalone container #21761
- ๐ Document support for Gradle 5 #21753
- Replace whitelist with a term that does not have racist connotations #21745
- ๐ Polish #21734
- ๐ Use highlightjs for syntax highlighting in HTML documentation #21703
- Mark new public API added to spring-boot-loader in 2.3 with @SInCE tags #21657
- ๐ {gradle-project-version}, rather than the project's actual version, appears in the Gradle plugin's reference documentation #21651
- ๐ Version-specific content is missing from Gradle Plugin's reference documentation #21641
โฌ๏ธ ๐จ Dependency Upgrades
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to WebJars Locator Core 0.46 #22135
- ๐ Upgrade to Spring Kafka 2.5.3.RELEASE #22134
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Oracle Database #22133
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Micrometer 1.5.2 #22132
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to MariaDB 2.6.1 #22131
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Jackson Bom 2.11.1 #22130
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Hazelcast 3.12.8 #22129
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring AMQP 2.3.0-M1 #22127
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Batch 4.3.0-M1 #22126
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to SQLite JDBC 3.32.3 #22058
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Jetty Reactive HTTPClient 1.1.4 #22057
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Jakarta Servlet 4.0.4 #22056
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Hibernate 5.4.18.Final #22055
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Byte Buddy 1.10.12 #22054
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Cassandra Driver 4.7.2 #22052
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Undertow 2.1.3.Final #21983
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.36 #21982
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Retry 1.3.0 #21981
- ๐ Upgrade to Spring Kafka 2.5.2.RELEASE #21980
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to SendGrid 4.6.0 #21977
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Selenium HtmlUnit 2.41.0 #21976
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to RSocket 1.0.1 #21975
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to R2DBC Bom Arabba-SR5 #21974
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Postgresql 42.2.14 #21973
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to OkHttp3 3.14.9 #21971
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to OAuth2 OIDC SDK 7.5 #21970
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Netty tcNative 2.0.31.Final #21969
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Netty 4.1.50.Final #21968
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Neo4j OGM 3.2.12 #21967
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to MongoDB 4.0.4 #21966
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Maven War Plugin 3.3.0 #21965
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Log4j2 2.13.3 #21964
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Liquibase 3.10.0 #21963
- ๐ Upgrade to Lettuce 5.3.1.RELEASE #21962
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Kotlin Coroutines 1.3.7 #21961
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Johnzon 1.2.7 #21960
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Jetty 9.4.30.v20200611 #21959
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Jersey 2.31 #21957
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Jaybird 3.0.9 #21956
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Javax Money 1.1 #21955
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to InfluxDB Java 2.19 #21954
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to HtmlUnit 2.41.0 #21953
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Groovy 2.5.12 #21951
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Elasticsearch 7.7.1 #21948
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Dropwizard Metrics 4.1.9 #21947
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Couchbase Client 3.0.5 #21946
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Caffeine 2.8.4 #21945
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Awaitility 4.0.3 #21943
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Artemis 2.13.0 #21942
- ๐ Upgrade to Spring Security 5.4.0-M1 #21932
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Integration 5.4.0-M1 #21931
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Data 2020.0.0-M1 #21930
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.3.0-M1 #21929
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Session 2020.0.0-M1 #21928
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Reactor 2020.0.0-M1 #21927
๐ฑ โค๏ธ Contributors
๐ We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
v2.3.6.RELEASE Changes
November 12, 2020๐ฑ ๐ Bug Fixes
- ๐ Configuration metadata annotation processor may use the wrong accessor for boolean properties #24058
- When using Tomcat, key and trust store passwords set via system properties are overwritten with null when Spring Boot's equivalent properties have not been set #24052
- โ
using H2 with schema.sql and spring.datasource.schema-username fails #24023 - JdbcStoreTypeConfiguration picks transaction of primary data source when Quartz data source is not the primary data source #24014
- โ TestTypeExcludeFilter does not implement hashCode and equals as required by its super-class #24012
- ๐ง Our auto-configuration should not use
as it's ignored on Java 11+ without a dependency on jakarta-annotation-api #24009 - Config files no longer loaded if they contain a hidden path element #23983
- "java.lang.IllegalStateException: zip file closed" when call of spring-boot-loader #23821
๐ Documentation
- ๐ Fix link to Flyway callback docs #24121
- Provide more details about overriding SpringPhysicalNamingStrategy's case insensitive flag #24060
- ๐ Clarify documentation regarding relaxed binding of environment variables #24032
- โจ Enhance spring.datasource.initialization-mode property description #24029
- Recommend disabling context path redirects when using proxy-terminated SSL with Tomcat #24025
- ๐ Improve Spring Session back off documentation #24018
- โ Clarify the javadoc of AutoConfigureTestDatabase to make it clearer that it only replaces the main DataSource #24006
- Recommend that bean definitions provide as much type information as possible #24004
- โ Add missing default value for enum-based configuration properties #23991
โฌ๏ธ ๐จ Dependency Upgrades
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to AppEngine SDK 1.9.83 #24077
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Byte Buddy 1.10.18 #24078
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Couchbase Client 3.0.10 #24079
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Hibernate 5.4.23.Final #24080
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Jetty 9.4.34.v20201102 #24046
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to jOOQ 3.13.6 #24081
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Micrometer 1.5.7 #24050
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Neo4j OGM 3.2.18 #24125
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Netty 4.1.54.Final #24124
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Reactor Dysprosium-SR14 #24109
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.2.11 #24034
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Integration 5.3.4 #24096
- ๐ Upgrade to Spring Kafka 2.5.8.RELEASE #24075
๐ฑ โค๏ธ Contributors
๐ We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
v2.3.5.RELEASE Changes
October 29, 2020๐ฑ ๐ Bug Fixes
- ๐ง Configuration property annotation processor does not notice overriding getter methods #23969
- ๐ Incremental compilation does not keep metadata for inner classes #23959
- โ HttpEncodingAutoConfiguration is not added to the WebMvcTest slice #23813
- Jar entries are duplicated in BOOT-INF/lib with layered jars and Maven #23801
- โฑ server.servlet.session.timeout not in effect when using Jetty starter without jakarta.annotation and javax.annotation #23750
- If the JVM is killed while refresh is in progress, the shutdown hook does not close the context #23743
- Setting server.undertow.eager-filter-init has no effect #23676
- ๐ง
does not apply Formatter beans #23614 - H2 Console error with AbstractRoutingDataSource #23569
- When using embedded Jetty, an error response to a HEAD request has a body #23555
- Custom layer definition does not pick up snapshots #23533
- BootJar.getConfigurations() should not be public API #23527
- Dependency management for Netty tcNative does not include its netty-tcnative module #23508
- PropertiesLauncher requires spring-core on the classpath #23500
- 0๏ธโฃ Log4j's tag library doesn't work out of the box as log4j-*.jar is skipped by default #23481
- โ Unexpected application context cache hit when testing with SpringBootTest webEnvironment MOCK and DEFINED_PORT #23477
- ๐ง Log4j2 configuration is not picking up some properties #23428
- ๐ง Flyway configuration ignores init-sqls when using spring.datasource.* properties #23408
- ๐ Wildcard locations for configs causes files to be parsed multiple times on k8s #23160
- ๐ง Datasource initialisation with JPA schema configured in deferred mode happens asynchronously #22852
- ๐ Maven plugin build-image creator step fails in Bitbucket pipelines #22840
๐ Documentation
- โ Remove version elements from Maven plugin documentation #23930
- ๐ง Document how to enable h2c via programmatic configuration #23812
- Note that using LiveReload requires Devtools restart to be enabled #23764
- โ Add upgrading section to reference docs with a link to the wiki #23611
- โ Add example of setting system property in gradle bootRun #23598
- ๐ Update configuration metadata appendix to remove description for Gradle 4.5 and earlier as it is no longer supported #23567
- ๐ Fix typos in reference documentation and contributing guidelines #23561
- ๐ Fix link to Log4j's JDK Logging Adapter in reference documentation #23461
- Revisit hint on using classpath* for retrieving templates #23452
- ๐ Document support for Java 15 #23448
- ๐ง Note the Kt class name suffix when describing how to configure a Kotlin application's main class name #23422
- โ Add anchor links to section headers in Gradle and Maven plugin reference docs #23406
- ๐ Document how JAVA_OPTS can be used with the buildpack #21582
- ๐ Maven layers documentation is incomplete #21555
- ๐ง Document how to override attributes already specified in Maven plugin configuration #21536
- โ Add example of default Cloud Native Buildpacks Builder #19967
โฌ๏ธ ๐จ Dependency Upgrades
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Byte Buddy 1.10.17 #23865
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Caffeine 2.8.6 #23866
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Couchbase Client 3.0.9 #23867
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Dropwizard Metrics 4.1.14 #23868
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Hazelcast 3.12.10 #23869
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Hibernate 5.4.22.Final #23870
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Hibernate Validator 6.1.6.Final #23871
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to HttpClient 4.5.13 #23872
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Jackson Bom 2.11.3 #23873
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Jetty 9.4.33.v20201020 #23874
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to jOOQ 3.13.5 #23875
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to JUnit 4.13.1 #23876
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to JUnit Jupiter 5.6.3 #23915
- ๐ Upgrade to Lettuce 5.3.5.RELEASE #23922
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Lombok 1.18.16 #23877
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Micrometer 1.5.6 #23791
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to MySQL 8.0.22 #23878
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Neo4j OGM 3.2.17 #23879
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Netty 4.1.53.Final #23880
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Postgresql 42.2.18 #23881
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to R2DBC Bom Arabba-SR8 #23882
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Reactor Dysprosium-SR13 #23770
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to RSocket 1.0.3 #23911
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to RxJava2 2.2.20 #23883
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring AMQP 2.2.12 #23784
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Data Neumann-SR5 #23777
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.2.10 #23526
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Integration 5.3.3 #23780
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Kafka 2.5.7 #23787
- ๐ Upgrade to Spring Security 5.3.5.RELEASE #23884
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.39 #23885
๐ฑ โค๏ธ Contributors
๐ We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
v2.3.4.RELEASE Changes
September 17, 2020๐ฑ ๐ Bug Fixes
- ๐ง
is meta-annotated with@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods=false)
which does not disable proxying #23305 - ๐ Signed jar dependency performance problem when repackaged in a single jar #23264
- ValidationHandler no longer works with certain map keys #23260
- MVC error model unnecessarily requires timestamp entry to be a java.util.Date #23258
- Missing sanitization in lists of URIs properties on actuator endpoints #23252
- Cassandra's pool duration mapping uses a wrong duration unit #23249
- ๐ When using HSQLDB, Hikari logs a warning message about the driver class name when the first connection is retrieved from the pool #23203
- ErrorPageFilter is no longer ordered at HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE + 1 #23200
- spring-boot-dependencies should not define a spring-boot.version property #23174
- PropertiesLauncher fails to load PBKDF-OpenSSL of bcprov-jdk15on-1.64.jar #23165
- ๐ง Configurable SSL Logback extensions can't be supported due to URL checks #23135
- ๐ Image building support does not zero-pad digest hashes to 64 characters #23132
- ๐ Image builder fails silently when there's an error loading the ephemeral image #23130
- Large files can throw YAMLException due to node limits #23096
- RSocketPortInfoApplicationContextInitializer can throw NPE #23087
- UndertowWebServerFactoryCustomizer requires commons lang via an unintended import on ClassUtils #23063
- JarFile can cause memory issues when running on Java 11+ #22998
- Dependency convergence error for nimbus-jose-jwt when depending on spring-boot-starter-oauth2-client #22996
- LayoutFactory can be presented with empty source file #22995
- ๐ง Metrics auto-configurations are not ordered correctly #22989
- The
annotation is not@Inherited
#22966 - ๐ Exception inclusion cannot be disabled when sub-classing DefaultErrorAttributes and using its deprecated constructor #22750
- ๐ Too much logging when building an OCI image with Maven #22674
๐ Documentation
- ๐ง Document that
beans are not scanned in sliced tests #23243 - ๐ Fix documentation on Elasticsearch client configuration #23074
- ๐ Provide examples of Actuator custom endpoints in the reference documentation #23060
- โ Mention correct JUnit 5 annotations in Kotlin testing section #23004
- Document that extracting layers with layertools doesn't work with executable JAR files #22993
- Javadoc inaccuracy in #22964
- ๐ Fix typo
#22960 - Document that graceful shutdown may not work from IDEs #22959
- ๐ Fix typos in docs #22945
- ๐ Fix Gradle Plugin custom image name example and documentation #22918
- ๐ง Document how to use spring.factories to add auto-configuration to a test slice #22531
- ๐ Update Maven Plugin's documentation to note the importance of configuring start and stop goals with the same JMX port #22401
- Document how to perform tasks after application startup #22100
- ๐ Document setting buildpack Java version from compiler plugin version #21796
- ๐ Document that buildpacks use non-root users for building container images and running containers #21122
โฌ๏ธ ๐จ Dependency Upgrades
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Micrometer 1.5.5 #23393
- ๐ Upgrade to Spring REST Docs 2.0.5.RELEASE #23376
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring AMQP 2.2.11 #23373
- ๐ Upgrade to Spring WS 3.0.10.RELEASE #23339
- ๐ Upgrade to Spring HATEOAS 1.1.2.RELEASE #23338
- ๐ Upgrade to Lettuce 5.3.4.RELEASE #23337
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Undertow 2.1.4.Final #23318
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.38 #23317
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to R2DBC Bom Arabba-SR7 #23316
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Postgresql 42.2.16 #23315
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Netty tcNative 2.0.34.Final #23314
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Netty 4.1.52.Final #23313
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Neo4j OGM 3.2.16 #23312
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Hibernate 5.4.21.Final #23311
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Hazelcast 3.12.9 #23310
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Flatten Maven Plugin 1.2.5 #23309
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Couchbase Client 3.0.8 #23308
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to AppEngine SDK 1.9.82 #23307
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Kafka 2.5.6 #23199
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Data Neumann-SR4 #23196
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Reactor Dysprosium-SR12 #23192
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Session Dragonfruit-SR1 #23187
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Framework 5.2.9 #23183
๐ฑ โค๏ธ Contributors
๐ We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
- ๐ง
v2.3.3.RELEASE Changes
August 13, 2020๐ฑ โญ New Features
- Jetty with Conscrypt no longer a requirement for easy HTTP/2 #22188
๐ฑ ๐ Bug Fixes
- Externalized Configuration ignores null values in SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON #22895
- Legacy endpoint ids with '-' do not migrate cleanly #22849
- When Reactor's debug agent fails to initialize, the cause of the failure is discarded #22847
- ๐ OCI image build fails if environment has any empty properties #22703
- ๐ LiquibaseEndpoint does not report change sets from ancestor contexts #22686
- Requests that should be handled by an additional DispatcherServlet result in a 404 response #22682
- ๐ Async exceptions not handled by error pages in war deployments #22672
- XADataSourceAutoConfiguration is difficult to use with DB2XADataSource as it does not have a URL property #22641
- ๐ง TaskExecutorBuilder only uses second-precision when configuring the await termination period #22611
- ๐ง Setting ignoreInvalidFields=true on @ConfigurationProperties causes unknown fields to be ignored as well #22585
- Spring Boot 2.3.2: new context is created for every IT class if SpyBean is used #22583
- โ Background preinitialisation may cause Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder's Kotlin detection warning to be silently dropped #22580
- ๐ UndertowWebServerFactoryCustomizer does not support Options but only UndertowOptions #22578
- โ WebMvcTest and WebFluxTest do not include Jackson Module beans #22576
- CouchbaseCacheManager can no longer be customized using CacheManagerCustomizer #22573
- Kubernetes readiness probe endpoint returning 404 #22562
- CouchbaseCacheConfiguration is not ordered properly #22542
- MustacheEnvironmentCollector with nullValue compiler option no longer works in version 2.3.1 #22039
๐ Documentation
- ๐ PushGateway documentation does not document enabled flag properly #22930
- 0๏ธโฃ Default value of server.jetty.accesslog.format is wrongly associated to server.forward-headers-strategy #22921
- Use wildcard in BP_JVM_VERSION with image building #22916
- ๐ง Kotlin examples for configuring bootBuildImage's environment use wrong map configuration syntax #22913
- ๐ง Mention configuration customizers for WebTestClient and RestAssured in AutoConfigureRestDocs' javadoc #22910
- ๐ Document how to discover the HTTP Port at Runtime for both Servlet and Reactive web apps #22899
- ๐ง Document that spring-boot-configuration-processor cannot detect default value defined externally #22890
- ๐ Docs say Health's inner
section may contain components #22774 - ๐ Fix wrong reference in
javadoc #22760 - โ Recommend the use of AopTestUtils.getTargetObject() when setting expectations on a spied bean that Spring has proxied #22758
- Document that schema.sql and data.sql will still be run when using Flyway or Liquibase but discourage their use #22748
- ๐ Fix broken links to Micrometer registry docs #22706
- ๐ Clarify documentation on use of @AutoConfigureRestDocs with WebTestClient #22669
- ๐ Document that constructor binding does not support @DurationUnit and @DataSizeUnit #22665
- Document properties to enable probe health indicators #22631
- ๐ Update metrics documentation to note the benefits of using a MeterBinder when registering a metric that relies on other beans #22629
- ๐ Include a hint where to find documentation for DevTools in docs overview #22622
- ๐ Fix link to Elasticsearch health indicator #22617
- โ Add ElasticsearchReactiveHealthIndicator to docs #22616
- ๐ Link to App Engine Standard sample not working #22608
- ๐ Improve documentation about swapping one technical starter for another #22596
- Document how to use MongoClientSettingsBuilderCustomizer #22589
- ๐ง Document the need for configuration files to have a file extension #22587
- ๐ง Document that java.util.Optional is not recommended with ConfigurationProperties #22574
- ๐ Typo in metadata for "" #22560
- ๐ง Document how to opt back in to DataSource auto-configuration when using R2DBC #22094
- ๐ง Document that application.conf is not read by default when using the Cassandra auto-configuration #21787
- ๐ Document how to use Gradle's native bom support as an alternative to the dependency management plugin #21570
โฌ๏ธ ๐จ Dependency Upgrades
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Micrometer 1.5.4 #22932
- ๐ Upgrade to Spring Security 5.3.4.RELEASE #22873
- ๐ Upgrade to Spring HATEOAS 1.1.1.RELEASE #22872
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to RSocket 1.0.2 #22871
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Pooled JMS 1.1.2 #22870
- ๐ Upgrade to Lettuce 5.3.3.RELEASE #22869
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Kafka 2.5.1 #22868
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to jOOQ 3.13.4 #22867
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Jetty 9.4.31.v20200723 #22866
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Jackson Bom 2.11.2 #22865
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Hibernate 5.4.20.Final #22864
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Dropwizard Metrics #22863
- ๐ Upgrade to Dependency Management Plugin 1.0.10.RELEASE #22862
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Couchbase Client 3.0.7 #22861
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Commons Pool2 2.8.1 #22860
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Byte Buddy 1.10.14 #22859
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Data Neumann SR3 #22844
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring Kafka 2.5.5 #22843
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Spring AMQP 2.2.10 #22842
- โฌ๏ธ Upgrade to Reactor Dysprosium-SR11 #22841
๐ฑ โค๏ธ Contributors
๐ We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!